#581: Premia Juntos +: El programa de lealtad de Coca Cola FEMSA para tenderos(Spanish Episode)

En este episodio de Let’s Talk Loyalty en español, tuvimos como invitado a Juan Pablo de Velasco quien nos habló sobre la estrategia digital de Coca Cola FEMSA llamada Juntos + y cómo a través de ella generan valor a sus clientes.

Igualmente nos comentó sobre la estrategia de lealtad para el segmento B2B con Premia Juntos +, un programa de lealtad dirigido a tenderos, el cual busca recompensar las compras de los clientes otorgando puntos por sus transacciones y también utilizando un esquema de misiones, retos y recompensas variables a través de técnicas de gamification.

Hosted by Alex Saul

Show notes:

1) Juan Pablo de Velasco

2) Coca Cola FEMSA


Audio Transcript

Paula: Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty. An industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m Paula Thomas, the founder and CEO of Let’s Talk Loyalty and Loyalty TV. As I don’t speak Spanish, I’m introducing our host of this show in English. Alex Sol is an independent loyalty consultant and advisor based in Mexico.

Whose loyalty career spans more than 25 years in various countries across Latin America. As a guest host, Alex is now creating episodes each month in Spanish for Let’s Talk Loyalty, interviewing top loyalty voices in the region. If you work in loyalty marketing, you can listen to Let’s Talk Loyalty in English every Tuesday, every Wednesday, and every Thursday to [00:01:00] learn the latest ideas from loyalty experts around the world.

And also look out for our new monthly episodes in Spanish. In today’s episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty

Alex: in Spanish, we have Juan Pablo de Velasco as a guest, who is the Marketing Director and Commercial Capabilities Manager at Coca Cola FEMSA for

Latin America. Throughout his career, he has played various roles and positions within the company, in which he has been for just over 20 years. He has led different marketing and analytics teams, including for two and a half years. Como director de marketing basado en Bogotá, Colombia, y dos años como director de marketing para México.

Juan Pablo ha sido uno de los líderes artífices del desarrollo de la plataforma digital de Coca Cola FEMSA llamada Juntos Plus, y también ha sido el líder orquestador del diseño, desarrollo e implementación de  la estrategia y lealtad But I mean, I’m just close. Espero que disfruten de la conversación con Juan Pablo.

Hola, Juan Pablo.

Que gusto tenerte aquí con nosotros en Let’s Talk Loyalty en su versión en español. Como sabes, aquí conversamos con las voces líderes en temas de lealtad, customer engagement, en la región día de hoy.

Juan: Hola Alejandro, al contrario. Muchísimas gracias por la invitación, un gusto y un honor estar

Alex: aquí platicando contigo.

Gracias Juan Pablo. Será muy interesante escuchar de viva voz cómo ha venido trabajando Coca Cola FEMSA en el desarrollo de su estrategia digital y sobre todo en la implementación de su estrategia de lealtad. Será muy interesante escuchar y aprender en cómo diseñar, implementar y operar un programa de lealtad business to business, es decir B2B.

No solamente a nivel nacional, sino a nivel regional, que es un reto  aparte. Ya nos contarás más detalle de esto. Y antes que nada, Juan Pablo, me encantaría empezar esta conversación haciéndote la siguiente pregunta. Cuál es tu estrategia o programa de lealtad favorito?

Juan: That’s a very good question, and I think we need to break it down, Alejandro.

First, as a user, I think the level of engagement is excellent, and yes, the level of interaction that high end hotel chain programs have. I would tell you, the examples that come to mind are Hilton Honor Award of hire.

One that I use a lot and [00:04:00] I feel like has a very good strategy as to get users engaged in this in this

Alex: issue

Juan: of hosting,

Alex: right? Eso es super interesante, Juan Pablo, y sobre todo con

Yeah. Mo’s gone. Cortos tiempos is basically a service in the hotel is just a man is so much easier as one Pablo poor for this time. And well, first of all, I would love to ask you, because there are probably doubts in our audience, in the people who listen to us, about who Coca Cola FEMSA is. If you can, if you can give us, let’s say, this introduction of who this company is, who this brand is, I would appreciate it very much.

Juan: Coca

America, Latin, Mexico, colo, los.

Also more responsible. The production distribution event, uh, de todo el portafolio de los productos Coca Cola en estos 10 países o en partes de estos 10 países. Entonces, eso es lo que hace Coca Cola FEMSA, como te decías, parte del grupo FEMSA. Y también la compañía Coca Cola tiene una, una

Alex: parte importante de

Juan: la

Alex: compañía.

Súper interesante. Estaba revisando algunos datos que publican en su sitio web. 10 regions that you mention, they serve about 200 million people in these 10 markets. The figure you publish there is impressive. They are, well, a [00:06:00] great presence of brand in those countries.

Juan: Yes, and to complement, Alejandro, that they are countries with a lot of presence in what we call the traditional market.

So, we serve more than 2 million points of sale, on average, between 2 and 3 times per week. So, we have a very large granularity and a lot of contact with this type of clients, which in the end reaches over 200 million consumers, as you

Alex: say. And if you can tell us, what is the traditional channel? Para la gente que no sepa, digamos, este término.

Totalmente. Buena, buena pregunta. Mira, el canal

Juan: tradicional es lo que conocemos como, como tiendita o como changarro, no? Son canales de venta semiformales, formales o informales, no? Que son muy relevantes en todos los países de América Latina, particularmente en México, podríamos hablar. Onamly selanne Tendo Davar Rotes Una Fonda so Norma Mente microempressas Operadas porfamilias y al final son medios subsistencia para muchisimas familias en America [00:07:00] Latina Antones a sona referimos con un canal fragment counted node muchos Duene a sin mucha alineacion

Alex: granular.

No es decir que el canal tradicional no son los grandes supermercados no son las grandes superficies. And then it was head, head, head, head, head, head, head, head,

Juan: head, head, head, head, head. Man. I’ll talk about that. And let me just say that I’m going to ask that question here, to a person in your class, and I’m going to ask that question to one of our students.

just a second. In my mind, I’m going to ask, do you want to start training Some more different is Alcanal traditional case more relevant in Mexico and America. Latina, not much spices. Yeah, that’s it. Arrival in September. Chenta por ciento

Alex: del volumen total event. I know. Don’t ask. Tendita’s que te encuentras in cualquier barrio.

En cualquier comunidad. Okay. Ven en justamente los productos que ustedes distribute. Effectivamente, y

Juan: mira, un tema importante de esta llegada al canal [00:08:00] tradicional es que, dentro de la visión de FEMSA siempre ha estado el generar valor a las comunidades donde operamos, no? Y como te decía, estas tienditas o este canal tradicional, pues es sustento para millones de familias en América Latina, es la manera en la que estas familias Sobreviven y operan todos los días.

Por eso nos, nos interesa mucho habilitar con diferente tipo de recursos a este tipo de tienditas pues para que sigan compitiendo y sigan creciendo y es una visión que llamamos de prosperidad compartida,

Alex: no? Súper interesante, Juan Pablo. Gracias. So.[00:09:00]

Juan: Two B, business to business. Because we talked about these little store. The tool or platform we have developed in almost 4 years is Juntos Plus. Juntos Plus is this omnichannel platform that we can tonally contact any client we need, especially in the digital side, we talked to clients Para distintas cosas, no?

Y ahorita, si quieres, detallamos un poquito el para qué. Pero los estamos contactando vía, vía WhatsApp, no? Vía un chatbot. Los contactamos vía página web y los estamos contactando también con una aplicación propia de la cual acabamos de lanzar la versión 4 ya con muchísimas habilitadores y muchísimas funcionalidades nuevas.

[00:10:00] Entonces, lo que hacemos es. Tanto con el contacto físico como con el digital, pues conocemos mejor a nuestros clientes, tenemos más datos, y bueno, podemos optimizar muchos procesos detrás de estos contactos que

Alex: tenemos con clientes, no? Es decir, que esta plataforma digital, Juntos Plus, uno de sus principales objetivos es hacer que este canal tradicional tenga, digamos, este contacto, esta comunicación con Coca Cola FEMSA, puedan interactuar, me imagino hacer pedidos, Revisar transacciones.

Funcionalidades Access Platform Funcionalidades Ganar, ganar Para el lado de

Juan: Coca Cola FEMSA, conocer mejor a los clientes y poder hacer una oferta más personalizada Tipo lo que hablábamos al principio con el usuario de un cuarto de hotel But for a little store, it has a lot of value because we know [00:11:00] what promotions to make to which customers, where they work better, when to do them, because we have direct contact with these interactions.

There are also functionalities that generate value immediately to customers. For example, we have a suggested order functionality.

make the orders is the same way they are serving the clients, the suppliers, and they have to be watching everything in the store all day, so they don’t have a lot of time. And second, as I was saying, they have to serve a lot of suppliers and clients at the same time. So, everything that optimizes that time, prevents them from having to do inventory counts, because it makes it a lot easier [00:12:00] for them.

So, we have functionalities like the suggested order, recommendations, option also for the shopper to track their order. That is also very relevant because, as you know,

Functionality is a star, one of our vendors favorites. Now we can talk a little bit more about data, but the acceptance it has had, the level of growth, the level of interactions that we are already having with clients, the truth is that it has surprised us all. And well, because definitely the client sees a very tangible value through this data program, which right now

Alex: we will talk a little bit about how it works.

Interesting. So, going back to that topic that we are all interested in, within this digital platform, Juntos Plus, the loyalty program called Premia Juntos Plus is alive. Correct? And now you were giving us some highlights of [00:13:00] how things are going, but let’s go back to the beginning. for being here. You can tell us what is Premium Juntos Plus and what is the value proposition of this loyalty program.

And now we will go

Juan: into more details. Of course, yes. Look, and I will tell you a little bit about the history first. We as Coca Cola FM, historically, have made many attempts in different countries to have a loyalty program. Retention, reconocimiento a nuestros clientes, no? Históricamente ha sido complicado porque eran programas, obviamente no existía la tecnología que existe hoy, eran programas mucho más físicos, no estaban integrados a nuestros datos detrás, entonces eran caros a través de agencias difíciles de controlar.

Muchas veces se prendían, no funcionaban, se apagaban y entonces causabas una gran desilusión y frustración a los clientes que estaban acumulando o ganando ciertos beneficios. Entonces, aunque ha habido algunos programas,[00:14:00]

CERCA DE UN AÑO, [00:15:00] NO? O UN POCO MÁS DE UN AÑO, Y EN MÉXICO LO LANZAMOS ENTRE DICIEMBRE DEL AÑO PASADO, ENERO DE ESTE AÑO. AL DÍA DE HOY, TE DIRIA, TENEMOS ARRIBA DE OCHOCIENTOS MIL CLIENTES. Interact with the program, not only in those two countries, as I was saying, we serve a total of 2. 2 million customers, and only in Mexico and Brazil there are already 800, 000 customers interacting there, so it has grown very quickly.

Why is this program different? First, because it is integrated, although it lives in digital. El cliente gana puntos, no? Un set de puntos que le llamamos el right to play o el derecho a jugar, lo mínimo esperado en un programa de lealtad, por venta de nuestros productos, no? Por compra de nuestros productos, en este caso.

Ellos compran un producto, nosotros les asignamos puntos por compra. Lo interesante es que todas las, los, los canales de venta que tenemos le generan puntos al cliente. Es decir, no solo lo que compra a través de digital. Lo que sí podemos hacer, no? Y eso ya es decisión de cada país, es, If you want to boost digital sales, digitization, you need to [00:16:00] give each sale more points through digital sales.

That doesn’t mean that not all sales receive points, but the very interesting part of the B2B program, that is generating a lot of value for us, is what we call modifying behavior, or assuring behavior. We give the clients Puntos mas agresivos venta por retos, no retos de distintas cosas que sabemos que ayudan a Coca Cola FEMSA y ayudan al cliente a vender más.

Si te pongo algunos ejemplos, aquel cliente que nos compre un set The products that are in our portfolio are taken to a group of additional points. This is also very interesting because it has a layer of gamification, right? We do it like a lottery or bingo board, right? For each of the countries, the client can see how each of the boxes of the bingo is being fulfilled.

And when the bingo ends, it is taken to the additional points, right? Another type of interesting challenge is that every client that uses the suggested order that I was telling you about a while ago Automatically,  we give points to the client who enters the suggested order, sees it, and at least buys the suggested order that we are giving him there, at that moment it generates points, right?

And well, we can do execution challenges at the point of sale, presence of certain products in our portfolio, etc., etc. So that part of behavior modification, Alex, I think is what makes the program different. Con esta capa de gamificación, hemos logrado que muchos clientes estén muy interesados esperando el siguiente reto, porque además ven los puntos, y bueno, así es como estamos

Alex: otorgando los puntos al

Juan: cliente,

Alex: no?

Interesante todo lo que nos comentas, Juan Pablo. Nos has dado muchísima información bien valiosa. I would like to rescue several elements that you have told us. First of all, why do you decide to implement a loyalty program on a digital platform that, as you mentioned, goes to tenders, but that this loyalty program is rewarding, let’s say, the tender and not necessarily the end consumer?

Well, if we think that the end consumer is the one who buys the product on the channel,

Juan: Escalon. El primer eslabón en la cadena para nosotros es el cliente, no? Entonces tenemos la data, los conocemos, como te decía, los tocamos a 2. 2 millones de puntos de venta al menos dos veces a la semana. Entonces tenemos mucha interacción con ellos. Entonces ese es el primer punto para después, como dices, junto con la compañía Coca Cola, definitivamente pensar en un programa.


Alex: Yeah, then to a strategy. Because you don’t want to come in. Just to a particular you got a close you can implement a this value proposition that you were telling us about, which, to be honest of the things that I know and have heard, it is rare to find a program that offers these two elements that you mentioned.

On one hand, the transaction, that is, the transactionality will allow, in this case, the tender or the owner of the tent, to receive points that I imagine can be exchanged for interesting things, you will tell us now. So you reward the transaction, it becomes very transactional, which gives the loyalty program that daily life, that engagement, because it is very easy to achieve a transaction, and more so with the figures that you told us, that you visit at least twice a week to a store, because I imagine that the amount of transactions is very interesting.

Eso por un lado. Y luego por otro lado, le montas a la propuesta de valor un tema de retos, misiones. Como bien nos decías de gamification.


Juan: final,

Alex: y

Juan: ahí también vale la pena decirlo, nosotros tuvimos mucho aprendizaje a través del ala digital de FEMSA, no? De FEMSA Digital, ellos operan el programa de lealtad de Oxxo, no? Bueno, Spimpremia, no? Que es un programa de lealtad que tiene más tiempo, que ha venido aprendiendo. Entonces, A traves de ellos, no?

Fue como fuimos aprendiendo cómo debiéramos ir avanzando este camino, no? Ellos tienen muchísimo aprendizaje. Es un programa de lealtad enorme en México, no? Con un engagement brutal de todas las personas que van y vienen a Oxxo. Entonces, hay mucho aprendizaje ahí, por un lado, no? Eso de cómo digitalizarlo y cómo ir avanzando.

Y por el otro lado, como Coca Cola Fensa, pues también tenemos mucho aprendizaje.

Entregar or a tienda de canje con nuestro producto. Todo producto que llevamos en el camión de Coca Cola, en el camión rojo, está abierto, define cada una de las operaciones que el producto pone ahí y puedes comprar producto con puntos. Esto tiene un valor muy interesante para el cliente, uno porque la rotación de nuestro producto es muy alta, entonces, se convierte a  dinero o a beneficio

Funciona bien, pero definitivamente en esta propuesta de valor integral que decías para mantener ese interés de los clientes, sabemos que tenemos que ir evolucionando a otro tipo de recompensas complementarias en el tiempo. No creo que ese es uno de los pedazos que tenemos que seguir trabajando en el

Alex: corto plazo.

Juan: Interesting,

Alex: just what you say is when the cycle of what a loyalty program offers is closed, it is just when the user can redeem their points and gives great value, gives a perceived value high to that currency, right there you are achieving value. Primero  que nada, que el cliente realmente le vea valor al programa.

Crea en la promesa que le hicieron de cuando le presentaron el programa y realmente sienta el beneficio tangible que, como nos dices, pues al final esto es un ingreso adicional. For the people who are using it. And have you been able to measure, one of the most important indicators in a loyalty program, is just the speed of redemption.

That is, from the moment the user begins to transact, begins to earn these points, how much time does it take for them to make their first redemption. Have you been able to measure this with the strategy you have in Premia Juntos Plus? It’s very variable, now I’ll give you a piece of

Juan: information, but it’s very variable, and it varies by many things.

It varies by Primero, justo el punto que dices anteriormente, nosotros tenemos muy pocos clientes que canjen solo dejen de canjear, no? Yo creo que es clave lo que dices él. El momento guau es cuando el cliente recibe la primera caja, el primer canje. Porque si tenemos un set de [00:26:00] clientes y tenemos varias iniciativas para atender estos clientes que no han canjeado, no?

Que tienen los puntos y que no hemos logrado el engagement claramente como cualquier programa de lealtad. Eso sí pasa, clientes que ni siquiera están tan conscientes todavía del programa. But all that client that consciously exchanges, the engagement is very high, right? They keep exchanging and exchanging when they see that it is true.

Another point that I was going to, which is also important to say, why do we start with our own product? It’s because we have control of the entire chain. We deliver it ourselves. We know when it is delivered. We have the date that it was delivered. If in any case it will not be delivered,

Con la  venta promedio de, yo te diría, de dos a cuatro semanas, no? Eh, podría empezar a canjear. Adicional, metemos estos boosters, no?, o estos incentivos adicionales, que logran, nosotros tenemos clientes, no? Te pongo un ejemplo, acabamos de arrancar en Colombia, no? En Colombia salimos hace quince días, y al día de hoy tenemos ya ocho, nueve clientes, estamos probando con cincuenta, que ya han canjeado en los primeros siete, nueve días.

Entonces, varía mucho, pero el target, te diría, está entre dos semanas, tres semanas

Alex: por ahí, para empezar a canjear. Interesting, interesting. And within these blessings, Juan Pablo I always think the following, the CFO of the company can be your best friend or your, let’s say, the person who challenges these loyalty strategies the most, because in the end they represent an important investment of the organization to change these behaviors.

You were telling us to increase the retention of existing clients. Cambio de comportamientos hacia la digitalización, entre otros. Pero [00:28:00] además, el CFO siempre está pensando en, OK, cómo mido esta estrategia? Cómo realmente sé que la estrategia de lealtad It’s not trying to. It’s also a lot of. So. It’s a.

It’s a. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. That’s

Juan: a very good question, Alex. First of all, there is a whole administrative process, and even compliance, right? That we have to follow to ensure that this works, right? As, as you know, the moment we deliver points to a client, at that moment, well, the money is from the client, it becomes a passive for the company, you have to go providing that passive, right?

And killing it over time, when there are redemptions, or [00:29:00] when the points win, if they win. So, The process of administrative and compliance was reviewed in full detail with the corresponding areas. We approved it and we have it between the countries. Even to talk to Coca Cola and other partners to understand how we are using the money.

That is essential to grow. And so the CFO will go more to the side of the friend, right? That’s important. And also, so it’s not just a, it’s a study. It was a pretty little much a time in the commas, a man has to people that passive us. I didn’t say that. You know, I don’t think it’s a promotion. It’s a terrible meant to get in the moment.

Oh, so that was a promotion. He list. I started in the investor. He list. So when the punto nosotros historically meant to invest in most part, the most oppressive Westover, the marketing, the Ventas and promotions, and also, it’s not promotions. The volume in promotions, but I completely met portfolio.

What is the return on ROI of each of these promotions? And what is the real uplift of volume that generates us? So the agreement we had with the financial teams is everything [00:30:00] that does not generate a return or that has a negative return and that the uplift is negative in volume, because it starts to invest that in loyalty.

Basically, you have nothing to lose. Not that money that was not generating what we wanted it to generate. Yeah, he’s a Camus. It was supposed to initial the laptop or this year. See, this is what’s going on. Some way to get the tempo para demostrar el valor adicional. Tenemos mediciones. No quisiera ir como solo de lealtad, pero que todo cliente digitalizado empieza a generar venta incremental en el tiempo por estar en la plataforma, por el uso del pedido sugerido, por el uso de lealtad y el engagement que tenemos ahí.

Entonces la digitalización si nos no? Por eso es una también de nuestras realidades estratégicas y lealtad Is an ability to work in a digitalization. Que si tenemos que empezar a medir y todavía estamos como digo llevamos poco tiempo con el programa. El retorno real de cada peso invertido, el ROI promocional en lealtad.

No, ese es el punto al cual queremos llegar. Es el indicador que estamos pendientes de tener para cada uno de los países. [00:31:00] Pero seguramente en un par de meses podemos empezar a tener ya retornos puntuales de lealtad. No?

Alex: Super

Juan: bueno. Eso

Alex: es lo bueno de una estrategia de lealtad. and slash digital, as you were saying, there are many things that you can measure, many things that you can have control groups to know if a digital versus a non digital and measure those behaviors.

And the same with a user who is already committed, understood the proposal and loyalty, is using it versus one who is not, and there you can get out those comparisons that in the end, in time, and I want to underline this, you said it too, Juan Pablo, No, it’s in Mediato. It’s the same. It’s just one p. m.

Poparakala strategy. I’m a do re. But I can’t be a Cesar notare. So resultados. He puts a London CFO. It’s important that you think that I mean present a corrector

Juan: totalmente. Yeah. Alfinal. I mean, it’s a presuppose to notice. He’ll return. I’ll find out. I guess I said my door.[00:32:00]

Alex: In the strategy of loyalty and also of digital, Juan Pablo, do you have a competitor in the market? Well, I know of one that is also doing interesting things, but I would like to know if there are others with similar things or perhaps something different. One of them is AVE InBev with its BIS program, right?

Which also pursues a bit of what you have told us and has a loyalty program. Do you see that competition, let’s say, in a close way, learning from them? Yes. Con digamos la innovación presente en Coca Cola FEMSA, pues me imagino que han logrado también implementar cosas que no existían antes.

Juan: Totalmente, Alejandro.

Yo creo que como plataforma, desde la visión de digitalización, el claro competidor en América Latina, pues es Viz, no?, con AVI. [00:33:00] Por supuesto que hay cosas que hemos visto en BIS y que hemos aprendido de BIS, no? Sería, sería muy soberbio decir que no es así. Pero también creemos ciegamente que nosotros tenemos una propuesta de valor diferencial, no?

Que genera otro tipo de valor en nuestros clientes, con temas desde las marcas que manejamos, eh, nuestra fuerza de ventas, la relación uno a uno que tenemos con clientes. Entonces, complementar el aprendizaje, el uso de la tecnología, la data que tenemos con estos diferenciales en la propuesta de valor, no?

Is lo que creemos hace más potente nuestra propuesta para el tendero, no

Alex: para nuestro cliente. Al final beneficiado finalmente es el tendero, el cliente, el que está en el centro de la estrategia, como nos decías. Exactamente. Al final, la

Juan: visión tiene que ser poner al cliente en el centro, no?

Definitivamente porque queremos que el cliente prospere, mejore, avance, y también porque es conveniente para nosotros como compañía, no? Definitivamente esto genera un incremental, el tener esta, esta lealtad. Nosotros hablamos mucho, Alejandro, de que la, la lealtad o la, [00:34:00] o la retención de clientes, verdad?

And it’s just a people’s marketing commercial is as you know, capacity that in this case, so impoverished by a product and by technology, but we have to have that retention thinking of clients behind, right? Where the program awards together, but it plays a very important role, but it’s that vision of how I retain the client for as long as possible, for which it has to be happy with what I offer, it has to be satisfied with my value proposition and it has to be interested in continuing to interact with me,

Alex: right?

For this to happen, that is, to develop all your products and services having the client from the center, it has to happen that the senior leadership of the organization is completely committed to this vision and with this acting, with this execution. I would like to ask you, Juan Pablo, in the case of Coca Cola FEMSA,[00:35:00]

Juan: Sponsors.


The second point, and I think it’s just as valuable as the first one, is a critical eye, which is exactly what he said, and this always has to be done because it’s the right thing to do, because it generates value for us and for the clients, and because it leads us to fulfill the [00:36:00] vision, right? So, we’ve always had those Watch out for part of the leadership team.

What you were talking about, how it’s paid, how it’s measured, when and how we can see it, how you’re going to evolve it, how you’re going to integrate it. And third, I think a very interesting role we’ve had as a leadership team is to challenge us to do more and more things, to make it different, to make it more complete, to make it go faster and faster.

So I think those are the three roles. Sponsorship. Question. I mean, to constructive. To the read. I read to a C. You know, when you see a number. It’s a stress cause. I said, okay, I don’t know. I guess I am so moving.

Alex: He’s in a so as to tell me and possible general people that the strategy come up and proceed into It’s strategic it’s a strategic making who’s part of the gets allied in the process in order correcto a todos los niveles.


Juan: percent I The same There’s a side, there’s an advantage there Alex The Coca Cola FEMSA culture has always been [00:37:00] a service culture Of excellence in operation, of service to the client Of generating value So that’s a very important base For everyone to understand the why and the why of these things On the other hand You know, necessarily complete culture of eccentricity in the client.

We’re doing a cultural work, supported by human resources. The first principle is to always have the client in the center. It’s easy to go down from there, but it’s a cultural work, And the second is on the side of the what, right? As if we manage to have the And then, um, okay, so say I said, I’m being, okay, it’s went up.

I’ll get it. Okay. Then they don’t necessitate additional, which is one of our most authors, but in Los Comos, I mean, I can be a very interesting days. Alejandro. I’ll be now. Eluso, the technology, Los Ciclos, the information, get the nemo’s, El Nivel, the personalization, alcohol, podemos llegar la velocidad, the diversity, the actions, the problem, Mandara, Mercado, Tilly, [00:38:00] Santa, Intelligencia, Artificial.

Gambia. Total mental. I mean, I like to pay on this. It was the retention. They drove the marketing. And those days. I mean, I must have had a much honest or sick loss. Come on. Come be at Los Procesos. Come on. Pensar in retention. At Travis. It was the analysis. It was the smart cast. No, come on. I’m going to import Dante.

He definitely went to incapacitation. Try it. I went to different. I said, I was killing. I’m extra gente. So some time. Integral. Cultural. They’ll get. He moved to the list.

Alex: He is. La gente. La organización. Pablo, que interesante. Muchas gracias. Bueno, conociendo a Coca Cola FEMSA que nunca nos dejan de sorprender a través de innovación, justo ahora que nos contabas del programa de lealtad, hay pensamientos en donde se comentan, oye, los programas de lealtad se han vuelto aburridos, se han vuelto estáticos, siempre es lo mismo.

Claramente, escuchándote, vemos que no, que siempre hay innovación de por medio cuando existe justamente esta visión de cliente en el centro y pensando en  darles valor, cómo puedes crear una propuesta de valor que justo otorgue, digamos, beneficios alcanzables, transparentes, a través de estas innovaciones que nos dices.

Juan: A first step or the first channel. Of, of evolution or innovation we have is effectively what you said. To, to get to connect. Consumers not having that B to B to Ci. Not there. We’re exploring a couple of, of developments with a few partners, with some partners, not to get to have something that also needs.

Metal consumidor finale. Don’t say it’s a cycle. It was a mass granted. No  mass complex. It’s one of those Camino’s que creo que es interesante. I give con cuidado, pero creemos que podemos que tenemos que ir a buscar el segundo, no? Yeah, yeah. I have an example. Come here. But it’s a brutal in Mexico. Kiss kiss in premia lavish on the coalition.

No, it’ll subir mass. In El Varco. Nosotros también, como se sabe, es público, hemos, en esta visión de plataforma, hemos también venido trabajando en, en ofrecer un portafolio multicategoría de algunas marcas adicionales más allá de bebidas. Pues, el meter a estas marcas a participar también del programa de lealtad, a tener tiendas propias, a tener retos exclusivos, creo que también nos puede ayudar a darle otro, otro camino de crecimiento.

Y el tercero, hay dos más, otro que veo muy importante es, es, es, Mas Tecnología No, Estamos integrando toda esta data de lealtad a toda la plataforma de inteligencia artificial que tenemos y eso nos puede empezar a ser mucho más assertivos en segmentación, cosas muy importantes, pero también incluso meter tecnologías adicionales como reconocimiento de imagen para retos, no?

Ese es otro [00:41:00] track que creo que nos puede ayudar mucho en tecnología. Y el cuarto es la tienda de canja, no? Qué ofrecemos, no? Si bien el producto ha venido funcionando muy bien, porque nuestros tenderos al final son comerciantes, no? y como te decía, les genera un margen, etcétera. Creemos que hacia el lado emocional, no?,

también nos podemos mover a cosas distintas, complementarias, desde producto merchandising de las marcas muy relevante, temas para mejorar el negocio, hasta cosas que solo nosotros podamos hacer, no sé, imagínate un boleto a un concierto, un boleto al mundial, no?, por ciertos retos. Entonces, Experiences. We believe we have the tools, right?

And we have to work on these four tracks to try fast and learn fast. So I would tell you,

Alex: that’s where the innovation of the program should come from. Fascinating. Fascinating what we hear. If they manage to connect that B2B to C, Sin duda alguna, Seona convertí en el programa de beneficios de lealtad más relevante del mercado porque, pues ya simplemente con [00:42:00] la huella que tienen hoy, que nos contamos al principio y conectando al consumidor final, con los productos tan relevantes que tienen y un, digamos un, una posibilidad de Incluir otros productos de otras marcas.

Bueno, yo quiero ver eso cuando esté en funcionamiento. Será, será espectacular. Juan Pablo, estamos llegando prácticamente pues al final de esta conversación tan interesante. And I would like to ask you one last time, or ask you if you have any reflection, would you like to leave any reflection, be it from the, let’s say, professional side, from the personal side, as you want to give us.

I think that,

Juan: that, that two, Alex, and First, one that we were talking about a while ago, in the professional part, what we have learned is that loyalty is a capacity, that is, loyalty implies cultural change, implies change of processes, implies change of how we do things, how we invest, how we measure, how we invest.

It’s a product that we love. It’s a prize from Juntos Plus, but it’s a capacity. It’s about people. So, professionally, you have to adjust your  mindset, evolve your mindset, so that it works. It’s not doing things the same way now with a loyalty product. So, from a professional standpoint, I think that’s the reflection and the great learnings we’ve had.

And on a personal level, I would say that Juntos Plus is a great product. I love this. One, because it’s so much fun. Two, because it’s had a huge engagement. But above all, because with this type of product, it’s the beautiful side of the relationship we have with our clients. Sometimes the clients are so happy, so involved, so excited about what they’re generating that it’s really gratifying to see the product out there and to understand that it’s working.

This, without a doubt, In parallel to the fact that we know that he is generating results for us. So I think it’s a very, very beautiful combination, right? And very, very gratifying. Well, thanks to the work of the whole team, right? That has made it possible, right? So it would be like the two things that

Alex: I would like to stop reflecting on at the end.

I very much, Juan Pablo. What you tell us is inspiring. Really, we have learned a lot. El día de hoy teniéndote con nosotros en este capítulo de Let’s Talk Loyalty en Español. Te agradezco mucho que hayas aceptado y gracias por lo que nos has

Juan: compartido. Al contrario, Alejandro. Muchas gracias y mucho gusto.