#473: Leading B2B Loyalty Program from Galderma - Supporting Dermatology Professionals in the Growing Aesthetic Market

Today’s episode shares the story of a re-launched B2B loyalty program that has been supporting important relationships and growth in the dermatology market in the US.

Galderma recently reported a record 2 Billion USD in net sales for the first six-months of 2023, as it continues to grow its market share in this high growth sector.

Joining us to share how both the mindset and mechanics of the loyalty marketing industry are supporting such incredible growth is Meghan Jordan, Senior Director, Loyalty and Customer Retention at Galderma.

Please enjoy this conversation, all about this B2B loyalty program, dedicated to supporting Doctors and dermatology professionals to grow their businesses in the aesthetic market.

Show Notes:

1) Galderma

2) Meghan Jordan⁠

Audio Transcript

Paula: Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty, an industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m your host, Paula Thomas, and if you work in loyalty marketing, join me every week to learn the latest ideas from loyalty specialists around the world.

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Hello and welcome to today’s episode, which shares the story of a relaunched B2B loyalty program that supports important relationships and growth in the dermatology market in the United States. Galderma recently reported a record 2 billion US dollars in net sales for the first six months of 2023. As it continues to grow its market share in this high growth sector, joining me to share how both the mindset and the mechanics of the loyalty marketing industry are supporting such incredible growth is Meghan Jordan, Senior Director, Loyalty and Customer Retention at Galderma.

I really hope you enjoy our conversation all about this B2B loyalty program, which is dedicated to supporting doctors and dermatology professionals to grow their businesses in the aesthetic market.

So Meghan Jordan, welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty. 

Meghan: Thank you for having me, Paula. Happy to be here. 

Paula: It’s super exciting. I know you’re a loyal listener, Meghan. You have been paying close attention and we’ve chatted a few times on LinkedIn. So here today, I think to share a very different story about loyalty in the B2B space. So really exciting to hear what you’ve been working on in the last year or so. 

Now, before we get into that, Meghan, as you know, I always start this show trying to understand from our loyalty professional as friends and colleagues, what they admire about loyalty in the particular market they’re operating in. So kick us off, please, and tell us what is currently your favorite loyalty program?

Meghan: Yes, we all have our favorites. I’m a little bit biased. You’ll learn, I spent about 11 years at American Airlines. So I am a huge fan of airline and hotel programs simply because they have such a big impact on our life and our quality of life. And so the AAdvantage program is a favorite of mine. I’ve recently lost status and I am learning what it means to live in a world without airline status. 

And I am quickly working my way to regain it because those privileges such as early boarding knowing that your bag will be in the overhead bin. Those are really important to me. Right. And really important to making my just my travel journey seamless. And so yeah love that program. Love the ability to earn points through my credit card spend of course, too. And being able to redeem. 

So big fan of the AAdvantage program as well as the Marriott Bonvoy program for similar reasons to make my travel end to end. But, you know, as I thought about this question. Above and beyond those big programs that I’m very loyal to, I think I’m a tough customer. I realize it’s really hard for smaller brands to break through with me. I don’t spend a lot of time reading my emails, I’ll admit it, right? And so I’m not paying attention. And I don’t think small gifts really get me right. And so for me, what I’ve learned about myself personally is it’s all about customer service. That is the differentiator for me and what makes me incredibly loyal to a brand. 

And so I’ll give you an example. There’s a national retailer. It’s more of a boutique retailer here in the US. But I went in about a year ago to shop for a specific occasion and the amount, the quality of customer service I got while I was in the store was great. I walked out with what I needed. Everything was well. But what really differentiated the experience was about a week later, I got a text message that was hyper personalized. They specifically took the time to remember. Where I was going and the purpose of my trip and asked me how did the dress work out for this specific occasion and I just was blown away.

Paula: Wow.

Meghan: And I will tell you that is where my go to shop now because the way that they took the time to remember and document. Now, not every brand can do that, right? But think about if you could scale something that personalized. That is a game changer. And I think for us, it even at Galderma, right, we put a huge emphasis we are a B2B business, predominantly huge emphasis on customer service through our sales force with the medical practices that we work with. It’s so important. 

Paula: Oh my goodness. Well, I actually have never had an experience. That is that impactful. I’m going to say Meghan, because you’re absolutely right. The generic follow up is, you know, the bare minimum I guess that we would expect. But that level of detail, do you want to mention the brand given that it’s such a positive one, if they are so good at their loyalty, we can give a shout out to them if you like.

Meghan: Yeah, absolutely. It’s called Scout and Molly’s. It’s a small brand, but they’re national. And in a lot of the major markets in the US. 

Paula: Amazing. Okay. Well, I have now a new intention that we need to have them on the show because clearly somebody has done their loyalty homework there. So thank you for bringing that to life, Meghan, in such an incredible way.

And I was smiling to myself, as you said, that you just, you know, lost status as well on AAdvantage because I’m at risk of losing mine in in Skywards here in Dubai, but I have a trip book. So I’m hoping they’re going to be nice and give me an extra trip or an extra month. 

Meghan: It’s worth it. It’s worth it, so make sure you keep it.

Paula: Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah. I just can’t bear the thoughts of losing it. So there we go. I think we’re proving the point that, you know, not just the transactional side, which we know gets us our fabulous free flights. When we’re not staffed particularly. But this whole idea that there are these emotional benefits, I guess. And practical things, I guess, as well. The things like you said, early boarding, getting your bags into the top you know, space overhead is absolutely something that we do treasure and we’re quite lucky to have. So, so a wonderful way to kick us off, Meghan. 

I want to pick up on a couple of things, first of all, I suppose we should introduce Galderma first and foremost, because that’s the brand that we’re here to talk about. But at the same time, I’d love to go back to the American piece just a little bit as well. So whichever you prefer to go with first, I do think they’re both super important just to set the context for our conversation today.

Meghan: Absolutely. Well, I’ll start a little bit with my background. I’ve been with Galderma for just over a year now and join them after spending 10 plus years at American Airlines. The last five years of which I spent in our customer insights and loyalty program at American. And it was really there that I became passionate about the customer and knew that I wanted to stay in a customer centric role for the duration of my career. Right. I had done a number of roles at American, but that really was just where I found my passion. I got to work in a lot of the different components of loyalty at American. I ran the AAdvantage Elites, Elite programs. So the tier based program for a period of time, which included all of our customer engagement, as well as the benefits. 

And then in my last couple of years, I was leading customer insights and analysis, which was a more of an analytical team focused on customer research. But also making sure that every commercial decision that was happening across the company had the customer view, right? The data specifically around that, how that would impact the customer. Of course, you’re going to look at sales and revenue potential, but you always have to balance it again against the impact to the customer. So I learned a ton, but I was ready for something different, right? 

And I think for me you know, you get this opportunity to work for a program like AAdvantage and it’s, you know, a world class program, but you start to say, I think these principles are applicable in other industries. And that’s sort of what I wanted for myself was to go push myself in a new direction and do something very different. So here I am at Galderma. It is the world’s largest dermatology company. We are in over 90 countries and I’m getting to do loyalty in a new industry and it’s a ton of fun. It brings a lot of new challenges, but it’s really been able, it’s allowed me to sort of figure out which of these loyalty principles transcend industry.

And I know Paula, you know this, but they do. The principles of loyalty are very consistent across industries, right? And so I’m able to test that and learn from that. But a little bit more on Galderma. 

Paula: Yes, please. 

Meghan: Just so that the listeners can get to know the company. So I mentioned largest dermatology company. The company’s mission is really to take care of a patient’s skin at all steps in their life, right? From birth till forever, really. And so we have a couple of different business lines. We have a consumer line with products like Cetaphil, which you can purchase in your grocery or drugstore, which you may be familiar with. We have prescription medication for things like acne and rosacea. And then I work in aesthetics and aesthetics is really all about how do you help your patients, your customers, your consumers achieve their own skin goals, right? Our skin changes as we age and we all desire different outcomes as we age, right?

And so we have a couple of products. We have a product called Dysport, which is a very popular product, which helps eliminate fine lines between the brows. And then we’ve got a line of fillers called Restylane. So if you’re looking for volume in your cheeks, in your lips, in your chin, right? You can achieve those outcomes with something that’s not permanent. It’s minimally invasive. So it allows you to kind of learn your face and try these products in a way that you can go through that journey over time, right? And then we also have one last product called Sculptra, which is a bio stimulator, and it actually regenerates your collagen as you start to lose that. And that is a really great product because what it does is bring back your natural skin health and glow. So we have these phenomenal products within aesthetics that I get to work to support through our loyalty program. 

Paula: Amazing. Thank you for that explanation, Meghan. It’s definitely one admittedly I have a very long time ago I was a beautician, would you believe Meghan? 

Meghan: Oh, yeah?

Paula: So I didn’t stay in the industry, but when you say aesthetics, I’m like, oh, that’s, it’s a little bit familiar. Of course, the industry has dramatically changed in recent years and all of the kind of products that Galderma is producing, I know are high growth, luxury, premium products. I do think there are, you know, some, I suppose, some people that are less aware of what they can do and how good they can be.

And actually I think we should just even comment on that because I know you guys are very committed to educating people that this is something that is done with, I suppose, health first and foremost in mind and making sure that people know exactly, you know, what they can do and what they should do in a way that’s both healthy I suppose, psychologically as well as physically really impressive to see all of the content on your website.

So let’s, let’s just get into, I suppose, talking about how the business operates. You do have an incredible loyalty program. Obviously, you have patients, somebody like you or I, who might go in and choose to have some of these treatments. And as I said, having you know, started to do the research now. I’m getting very tempted. So absolutely the patient at the end of the day is the person who I suppose will identify that they have a goal for their skin as you’ve identified. But it is very much, you know, I think even beyond beauty professionals, they are medical professionals, if I’m not mistaken, that you work with to advise on what is the appropriate course of action. Is that fair to say, Meghan? 

Meghan: Yeah, absolutely. So I think that’s one of the interesting opportunities I have working in this business, right? Because our customer is the healthcare provider, right? Our customer is the one who’s going to buy our product. And so who’s our customer? Well, our customers are dermatologists that focus on the skin plastic surgeons who are looking for noninvasive alternatives to helping people achieve their goals. 

And then medical spots which I don’t know what the marketplace looks like outside of the US. But there is a new medical spot popping up on a weekly basis in the US. It is just a booming industry. But those health care providers are critical to our business and making sure, you know, you mentioned how the business works and education awareness.

A huge part of what Galderma does, and does so well is training and education, and it’s critical to our success because we want those patients to be satisfied with their outcomes. We can’t afford for our products to be used by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, right? And so we have what’s called GAIN, which is our training network, and we leverage the best injectors and practitioners in the business to go out and train on our behalf. So as new people are coming into the practice or as healthcare professionals are wanting to try different products, right? They might be a loyalist to Dysport but they don’t know as much about Sculptra. So helping them grow their skills and using the different products is really important.

Paula: So that’s amazing, Meghan. Tell us about the history of, I suppose, the structured approach to that community. Because again, you know, direct to consumer, of course, there is, I know some loyalty activity there. But given that it is these healthcare professionals that you’re focused on, I know you’ve had a program for a number of years, but have done some dramatic transformation. And I suppose relaunched it just earlier this year. So will you give us the backstory in terms of what was being done and I suppose the opportunity you saw when you came into the new role. 

Meghan: Yeah, definitely. So our ASPIRE program launched in 2015, so it’s just under 10 years old and it launched simultaneously for our consumers, which are our patients and our customers, which are the health care practices. But they’re two separate programs. 

The challenge that we found is, as we mentioned, that the industry has grown so much so fast and there are so many different business models evolving. And so we had this program ASPIRE that was kind of one size fits all right. It had to serve a lot of different practice business models that were emerging.

So let me give you an example. You could be a small, single location office, medical clinic with one person that, that uses our aesthetics products, right? You could be a single, a large single location with a really robust line of injection practice. So you could have 30 or 40 injectors in your business. You could be an owner of four locations across the metroplex, right? Or what we’re seeing more and more of is private equity is coming in and expressing a high interest in this industry. And so there’s a lot of private equity groups that own and back large national scale practices. 

So all of our customers are on ASPIRE. We have a handful of customers on corporate contracts, but the vast majority of our customers are on ASPIRE. So how does one program serve a single location practice in large national multi location representation? It wasn’t working. Right. And so our small customers, it’s like your traditional loyalty tier program problem, right? Our smallest customers were sitting in our lowest tier and really saw no path out of it. So they weren’t very incentivized. Right. And then our biggest customers were just quickly advancing to the top of the program and there wasn’t a lot in it for them to keep growing with Galderma, right?

It’s the same thing you see in airlines, right? You achieve Executive Platinum on American Airlines. You’re probably going to go start building up your status elsewhere, right? Just so you can maximize your opportunities. And so I know it’s a common loyalty challenge, but we had the same challenges. 

And so the biggest thing that we did as part of our redesign was say, we need segmentation, right? This business is changing too much to kind of have this one size fits all approach. And so we introduced two paths within our program. So we still have a single program, but there’s two paths and there’s a path for a single location practice and a path for a multi location practice. And so what we were able to do is lower the requirements. For a single location practice, making it easier for them to grow and feel incentivized to partner with us. And then on the other side, we actually increase the requirements for a multi location practice, but we knew they had the potential for that. And we made sure that it wasn’t penalizing for them. We actually increased the, the value they got out of each of those tiers. So even though we made the requirements a little bit higher, the requirements are based upon spend, right? So your invoices we were able to give them back higher discounts, higher rebates, those types of things.

And so, you know, someone used this metaphor with me the other day and I thought it was really good. It’s like we needed to make sure both of those customer segments. We’re able to enjoy the journey up the mountain and that the view is really good at the top for both of them. Right. And I like that because they’re different size mountains, right. But they’re reflective of the business that they’re doing and what’s within their capability. And that’s important because our job is to partner with them. Our job is to help these practices grow their business. That’s my job as the leader of our ASPIRE program is to make sure that we’re investing in them as a business and helping them grow their practice.

Paula: Amazing. Yeah. So a shared agenda, shared goals. And that’s something that I know in any B2B program is something that is felt, I think very deeply, you know, when somebody does appoint a brand like Galderma, appoint somebody like a Meghan to take care of them. It comes through in everything that. So, so very inspiring.

How did it go with the relaunch? Was it, I don’t know, complex? How did it go? How much time even did you spend from, I suppose, the evaluation piece, Meghan, into the relaunch? Talk us through the journey. 

Meghan: Oh, my goodness. It dominated my every waking and probably a lot of my sleeping hours since I joined the company. It was a stated goal and part of why I joined, but we hit the ground running. And so, we had just about, you know, four or five months to finalize the strategy and then we launched in two phases, but we launched at the beginning of the year. And so far, you know, loyalty takes a little bit more time than a quarter to measure.

Paula: Totally.

Meghan: The lasting impact, but early signs of, I think one, the feedback’s been good. Especially from our single location practices, they really feel like they’ve been heard, right. This was feedback we were getting and they feel heard. But also economic returns for, you know, the company, which is important. We introduced new benefits. We made a lot of changes that those two paths were our foundational change, but even within that, we changed a lot of the value proposition from the benefits.

And so, to give you an example, we rebates are common in the healthcare industry and we had some rebates that just automatically paid out, right? And we were able to kind of think about, well, what behavior do we want to drive? Like, of course, the fact that you’re a partner with us and you’re buying from us is fantastic. But are we growing? Right. And let’s measure that growth and that’s reward you for that growth. So we were able to put more behavioral benefits into place tied to growth and the number of brands that are being used. And so that has really shown up in the results. We’ve seen strong, higher trends of growth than we had seen in other periods.

We also started a new member program. So coming in, if you’re a small location, just getting started it takes time to build up your business, right? And so we actually came up with a program to really make it a little bit easier to partner with Galderma out of the gate. So better discounts for a short term period, and then some rewards that you can pass on to your patients and customers.

All of our program is, run through a platform, right? And so, the key thing that the practice has to do to connect this B2B program to the patient is they actually log into the system. The patient is a member of ASPIRE as well, and they’ll actually document. What treatment the patient received right? That’s how the patient earns their points, right? So that flow through to the consumer is critical to. And so we created some incentives to make sure that they were using our platform because obviously engagement with our platform is an indicator of long term success for our relationship between the practice and Galderma.

Paula: And can I just clarify Meghan, because that really does make a lot of sense and I can imagine again as the actual consumer, but I want to get my points. I’m going to make sure that my dermatologist, et cetera, is making sure that they do that log. Is it also a currency or is it purely rebates for the medical professionals? What’s the actual proposition on the B2B side? 

Meghan: Yeah, on the B2B side. So the practice will earn points, which moves them through the tiers, and each tier has an improved proposition. So, for our line of, for Restylane, for Dysport, for Sculptra, your discounts on those products gets better. As you go through the tiers. Also your rebates get a little bit richer.

Paula: Nice. 

Meghan: As you go through that. But that was also really important to me. I didn’t want this just to be about price and money. Right. That’s very, that’s transactional. Right. And we’re all in the business of trying to build long-term sustainable loyalty. So we looked for those pockets of opportunity to bring more rewards and recognition into the program to. And a place we were able to do that was at the top with more customer recognition for some of our biggest B2B customers. It’s a little challenging in the healthcare industry because there’s a whole set of regulations that we have to work around or not work around. That’s what I mean. 

Paula: Yes. Yeah. Has to be done in the right way. Totally. 

Meghan: Exactly. Exactly. But it really was like, how do we build this ecosystem? And so, but the currency itself is just how you progress through the tier. So they cannot redeem those points, right? So there’s no kind of on the other side, an opportunity to redeem.

On our consumer program, however, it is a currency. And so you earn ASPIRE points for treatments and you can convert those treatments. It’s a pretty straightforward program. You can convert those points into discounts on future treatments is really how it works. 

Paula: Gotcha. Gotcha. And I really loved something you said last time that we spoke Meghan as well, which I just thought was a very clever piece of your strategy. And it was talking about the fact that you do have, I think, 10 products, but you specifically measure and incentivize when your B2B customers are trying new products that perhaps they haven’t prescribed before. 

And I’ve only actually at least consciously noticed this once before, which was totally different sector. It was a fast food restaurant, but I thought it was genius because I’m a real creature of habit. So I tend to go to the same restaurants and if I want to change, I go to a different restaurant. Whereas actually I think what they were, you know, inspiring me to do was go, oh look, there’s a whole menu of things in this restaurant. So I know it’s a strange analogy. 

Meghan: Yes. Good metaphor. Good metaphor. 

Paula: Totally. Well, I just think you’re absolutely right because at the end of the day, you’re doing the education, you’re doing the training. And if you want to build up loyalty, who knows what incredible results they’ll get for their patients if they try another product.

And I know you explained to me a little bit about some are for fillers and some are for regeneration. So my lay person’s understanding I’m going to say is that you know, perhaps there’s multiple products that you can prescribe for particular patients, but that behavior is something it sounds like is absolutely core to your strategy.

Meghan: It really is. When you have a limited number of products in your, you know, your portfolio you want your patients to see the value in complimentary products and procedures, right? But it’s, but I will say one of our biggest challenges in my business is frequency. These aren’t products you use on a frequent basis.

You might get treated two times a year. A very aggressive plan would be four times a year, which is incredibly infrequent, right? And so for me at the patient level, it’s creating opportunities to engage with them, to drive more frequency. And a big part of that is there’s two paths to that. One is through partnerships and the other is through understanding and evaluating if a different product would be good for you.

And I think that’s the value we bring as marketers, right? All of the spire data on millions of patients. And so we can understand the predictors of a disport patient becoming a filler patient. We understand those attributes. And so you can do things like create lookalike models and start to help practices target patients within their own practice.

That might be a good candidate. It’s not for everybody, right? And you can’t, you can’t take that approach. It has to be very curated. It has to be based on these indicators of success. And so, that’s a big thing that we’re developing in our platform is yes, marketing and corporate can go do a bunch of highly targeted campaigns, but it’s even more powerful if we take that and we build a tool in the platform and allow and enable the practice to run that campaign for their business. Right, because they want that repeat business and that’s really important. If the patient comes to see me, and then in six months goes to see someone else, that’s great for Galderma. They’ve come back. That’s not great for the practice. Who’s lost that patient. Right. And so how do we pass those consumer insights through our platform to basically allow them to run micro campaigns at the practice level?

So we’re really trying to do more and more of that too, right? Like really leverage our insights to help them drive smart marketing, appropriate marketing, to get patients to try more or even simply just to come back. 

Paula: Amazing. And what about refer a friend, Meghan? Is that something that is appropriate or allowed? Again, I don’t know the medical industry and we haven’t talked about it before. So forgive me if it’s not appropriate, but I think, you know, given that the trust factor again for something that is so powerful and absolutely something that I would probably take a friend’s advice, you know, equally as a medical professional, I’m guessing that’s something that you’ve either thought about or are thinking about. So it’s a core part of so many loyalty programs. So I hope you don’t mind me asking. 

Meghan: No, it’s a great question. We have a small focus on refer a friend in our consumer program today. I definitely think there’s an opportunity to do more because to your point like trust, especially with something like aesthetics and referral is so important.

And that’s actually, you know, I didn’t touch on this earlier, but you know, with our healthcare practices those doctors, those medical practitioners, you’re coming in for a consultation, right? You’re coming in to say, this is the outcome I want. Not sometimes you might come in and say, I’d like to get to support, but that’s not as common as here’s the problem I’m trying to solve, help me achieve it.

And so the referral of the healthcare practitioner is paramount, right? In our business as well, but at a consumer level, we can do a lot there because it’s there aren’t the same guardrails in consumer marketing, right, as there are in the B2B side. And so that’s something we’re looking to do more with.

Paula: Amazing. It was one of the reasons actually I wanted you on the show was exactly to get those understandings of, you know, B2B loyalty versus B2C. There’s actually not many good examples of companies like Galderma that really do see this opportunity. And again, I know you’re not the biggest in your industry, for example. So it’s almost like that wonderful insight that if you’re not the market leader, it’s almost like you have to try harder. And again, I think your actual doctors feel that coming through. 

Meghan: Absolutely. Absolutely. 

Paula: Amazing. Amazing. The final piece I wanted to ask you about, Meghan, was KPIs. You briefly touched already on the platform, and I know that’s super important the foundation stone, of course, of the B2B program. So I know that’s something that you measure and really just track to make sure that everything is available for your B2B program to, to measure and drive that loyalty. But what else is it that you’re, I suppose, measuring from a B2B perspective? 

Meghan: I probably measure too many things. I’m a big fan of KPIs. 

Paula: Okay, cool.

Meghan: Much, you know, everyone’s always like, Meghan, can you focus? But I will say on the consumer, just to touch on consumer really quickly. On the consumer side, it’s so important that you’re active in my program and I give you reasons to engage, but my measure of success is not that you get treated once, but that you come in and get retreated.

So that second treatment is a critical KPI for us, because if you see the value and you’re satisfied with your results and you come back again, likely you will continue to commit to that investment. Right. 

On the B2B side, it’s interesting because of course we want you buying our products, but that’s not what’s the most important to me. That’s what’s the most important to Galderma. But for me as a loyalty leader, I’m looking for engagement in our program, right? And so I’m looking for practices that consistently enter those treatments in our platform because that’s how we collect that critical patient insight, right? We know exactly, Paula, this is what you had done in March, and then this is what you had done in September. We can start to build a long term view of you as a patient. If those practices aren’t actually going in and taking the time to log those treatments. We don’t have any of that data. We’re not a POC, right? You don’t swipe a credit card and get all that data automatically. They actually have to have someone in their staff that’s putting all these treatments into our platform. And so engagement with our platform is one of our most important KPIs, at least from an ASPIRE perspective that’s also the only way the patient earns their points, right? So it also ensures we fulfill our mission and objective of getting value back to the patients. 

And then for me, the other part is just growth of the program. Obviously the company’s growing the industry’s growing, but if we’re outpacing that with practices joining into ASPIRE I think the feedback that we get is you know, those who are loyal users of a program say it’s a no brainer because we give them so many benefits both for their business, but also they can pass on to their patients, which just increases their profit, right?

They’re able to discount products through incentives that we offer them to the patient. They’re still able to charge the same thing that they are. So it really helps them increase their margin, increase their profits, you know, really important stuff for a business owner to make sure that they’re looking after. And so, we have, you know, great advocates for our program and then there’s those who don’t use it. And so we’re trying to close that gap and make sure that every practice out there sees the value and aspire. 

Paula: Absolutely. The job of a loyalty professional is clearly never done, Meghan. I don’t need to tell you that.

Just a final extra thought on the communication side, Meghan. It sounds like everything goes through that platform. Would that be fair to say in terms of, I guess, updating them on whether it’s new product launches or campaigns or incentives? Do you communicate as well as manage transactions through your platform?

Meghan: Yeah, so we have a multi channel strategy, if you will. So a lot of that local engagement is you’re right. It’s going through the practice, but that’s mostly, specific campaigns. We do also run promotions at call it the corporate level where we’re targeting consumers across the nation for based upon certain behaviors and communicating with them.

So announcing product launches, some of the things that I want to do more, and I mentioned frequency, right? It can take a while for someone to feel ready to get an aesthetic treatment. 

And so, we this year launched a product called FACE by Galderma. Right now it’s just being used by healthcare practices, but we’re hopeful that it’s something we can bring to the market for consumers eventually, because imagine if you can visualize the outcome on your FACE, right? That’ll help a lot with barriers to treatment today. And so, what else can ASPIRE do to help during that consideration stage through education, through awareness and there’s a lot of incentives. You can gamify that, right? Like, you can have a lot of fun with that within an ASPIRE program or a loyalty program to kind of drive that behavior. So that hopefully eventually, you know, those potential patients become come actual patients. So yeah, we do a lot through the practice, but we also still have a pretty robust strategy kind of at the national corporate level too. 

Paula: Amazing. Wow. Well, all I can say is it is a super exciting space that you’re working in, Meghan. You know, coming from an airline background, you’ve had an amazing grounding in terms of all of these principles, and I’m really pleased for you that you’re getting the opportunity. To do exactly what you said, your heart desires to go and test those principles in a brand new space an d really make a difference to people who really want to have these amazing new treatments. So congratulations on everything you’ve achieved so far. 

I think I’ve asked all my questions now, Meghan. Is there anything else that you wanted to mention for our audience before we wrap up? 

Meghan: Oh, goodness. Well, it’s first, it’s been a pleasure. I really appreciate this opportunity. It’s been a lot of fun talking with you today. You know, I think the last comment I’ll make, we haven’t touched on it too much, but I think that there’s,  you know, what I’m seeing across industries is, really unique and fun partnerships starting to come to life, right? People are getting really creative with how they partner. 

And that’s something I’m thinking about for our business is what sort of partnerships can we bring to the table?I mentioned, you know, we have a, like from a loyalty program perspective, we have a frequency issue, right? So I’m looking to learn from other brands that also don’t have a ton of frequency. But I think that partnerships are a really interesting opportunity to cross promote and help both brands grow. So I think that’s something as we look to our future, there’s lots of opportunities and lots of really interesting learnings from other industries to, to hopefully bring here inside Galderma and ASPIRE. 

Paula: Amazing. I’m really impressed you said that actually, Meghan. And if it’s okay, we will link to your LinkedIn profile in the show notes. Because what I often find happens after a show like this is published, and of course it’s going to be, you know, towards the end of this year when we’re releasing this episode. But who knows who will hear this that might be want to partner with Galderma so they can reach out directly to you. And I always get an extra burst of pride when I feel like I’ve done a little bit of matchmaking or something in the background to help people kind of find what they need.

Meghan: I would love that. Yes, that would be a great outcome. 

Paula: Great. So shout out to everybody listening. If you have an idea for Galderma, Meghan’s your girl. So there we go. Honestly, it really has been super fun talking with you, Meghan. Thank you for listening to the show. Of course, first and foremost, makes all of my hard work feel very worthwhile. And thank you for sharing the story. I hope we’ll continue to stay in touch and I wish you continued success. 

So Meghan Jordan, Senior Director of Loyalty and Customer Attention at Galderma. Thank you so much from Let’s Talk Loyalty. 

Meghan: Thank you, Paula.

Paula: This show is brought to you by The Australian Loyalty Association, the leading organization for loyalty professionals in Asia Pacific. Visit their news and content hub for the latest loyalty insights from around the world. Or why not submit your own article for publication?

For more information on their loyalty services and networking opportunities, visit australianloyaltyassociation.com. 

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