#573: Global Hotel Loyalty Insights with GHA Discovery

This episode is also available in video format on www.Loyalty.TV.

Today’s guest is a speaker at the upcoming Loyalty and Awards Conference in Bangkok, and I know she is excited to be joining this annual travel loyalty event on stage.

Jelena Kezika is the Senior Director of Strategy for the Global Hotel Alliance and we were delighted that she joined us in our studio in Dubai.

The Global Hotel Alliance (or GHA for short) brings together a collection of independent hospitality brands, sharing a technology platform to create a multi-brand loyalty programme called GHA DISCOVERY.

GHA represents over 40 hotels brands with more than 800 hotels in 100 countries serving 27 million members.

Please enjoy our conversation with Jelena Kezika who shares the overall GHA Discovery strategy and insights on this loyalty programme’s unique benefits,

Show notes:

1) Jelena Kezika

2) Global Hotel Alliance


4) Watch the full interview episode at www.Loyalty.TV

Audio Transcript

Paula: Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty, an industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m your host, Paula Thomas, and if you work in loyalty marketing, join me every week to learn the latest ideas from loyalty specialists around the world. 

Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty and Loyalty TV. I originally met today’s guest at the 2023 Loyalty and Awards Conference in Brazil. And I know she’s excited to be joining the speakers this year again when the event takes place in Bangkok. Jelena Kezika is the Senior Director of Strategy for the Global Hotel Alliance. And I’m delighted she’s joined us today in our studio in Dubai.

The Global Hotel Alliance, or GHA for short, brings together a collection of independent hospitality brands, sharing a technology platform to create a multi brand loyalty program called GHA Discovery. GHA Discovery represents over 40 hotel brands with more than 800 hotels in 100 countries, serving 27 million members. I hope you enjoy our conversation today with Jelena Kozeka, who shares the overall GHA discovery strategy and insights on this program’s unique benefits. 

Jelena, welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty and Loyalty TV. 

Jelena: Thank you, Paula. 

Paula: I feel like it’s super long overdue. We actually met in a lift in a hotel in Rio de Janeiro, which I know sounds a little bit vague, but we were going to a wonderful conference together. And I’ve been admiring your work ever since with the Global Hotel Alliance. So thrilled to have you in studio today. And you are also the first guest that brought me a gift. So thank you for the beautiful flowers. I’m feeling very very privileged to have that recognition from you. So delighted to have this wonderful conversation and we’re going to go through all of your incredible work with the business.

So let’s kick off with our usual opening question, Jelena. As you know, we love to know what loyalty professionals admire in their own career or personal life. So kick us off with what is your favorite loyalty program? 

Jelena: My favorite loyalty program is Kinder Surprise Chocolate Egg. 

Paula: Oh!

Jelena: I know it sounds unusual, but I can explain why.

Paula: Please. 

Jelena: I was born and grew up in Soviet Union where we obviously did not have access to many products from the, from the Western world. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: But this has changed in 1990 when Latvia, my home country, became independent. And of course, slowly we started seeing international products in our shops. And I remember how one day my mother gave me a chocolate egg. So I had to unwrap it. I had to break the chocolate. And of course, I did not expect to see that orange container inside the chocolate egg. When I open it, it was surprise. It was a toy. And that time it was a little line, the one with the guitar. There was also a piece of paper that showed the collection of lines. And my little friend was one of them. 

So I can say that from that day, I did not want to have anything else, but another chocolate deck. And also unbeknownst to myself, I became a member of my first loyalty program. So when I think of loyalty programs today, and there are so many around, I always relate to my experience of my childhood and Kinder Surprise. I think it’s, it’s easy to get things wrong. We all know that loyalty programs are transactional, but the element of surprise, the element of engagement, that little hook is something that all loyalty programs need. And I think for everybody at that time, God is all right. 

Paula: Yes. What a beautiful story, Jelena. I had no idea. And I know you’ve told us in other forums and conferences. Thank you for sharing it with our audience. It sounds like you were very young. And I remember myself, you know, things that make a big impression as a child, they do stay with you throughout your life. Particularly, obviously something as collectible as a Kinder Surprise.

Jelena: Absolutely. I agree with you. 

Paula: Wow. Wow. Well, I think we’ve seen other brands doing it, but I think you’re the first one who’s quoted a real childhood experience. So thank you for that. Very beautiful. And again, I know that emotion of, I actually just want to do more of this because it has made such an impression on me. So, a beautiful way to talk about loyalty and more on the emotional side, which I think is perfectly appropriate, particularly in the hospitality industry that you’re obviously in now. 

So, talk us through then your professional career, Jelena. You mentioned Latvia. I always find it amazing, I think as well, the older I get when I remember that certain countries are quite young, where we live, for example, is quite a young country. Latvia is obviously quite a young country. So how did you get from here to there? 

Jelena: My loyalty career obviously did not start with, with loyalty at all, and even did not start with marketing. It started with my, again, childhood dream, and I wanted to become a translator and interpreter. And this dream came true, so I studied languages. I always found it fascinating how it is possible to decode messages and thoughts into foreign languages. And I became interpreter and translator and worked in Latvia predominantly with German construction companies for several years. And I enjoyed what I was doing, but pretty much until the recession, we all know that recession brought a lot of trouble To any industry, but specifically construction and real estate business. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: And I had the opportunity to explore Dubai through an offer which was made to me by one of the companies I work with. They had international presence and one of the offices was also in Dubai. So initially I came for six months and stayed for 15 years. I think something you can also relate to. 

So, my hospitality experience started with Jumeirah Group. This is where I developed my passion for, for hospitality. But obviously I wanted to do something else. I wanted to look into events and marketing and started looking at the opportunities inside and outside of Jumeirah Group. 

And this opportunity found me. So Global Hotel Alliance, my current employer, moved their offices from Geneva, from Switzerland to Dubai in 2013. And I joined them that year. 

Paula: Okay. And for anyone who doesn’t know, I’ll just explain for the audience, Jumeirah is of course an iconic brand, pretty much obviously headquartered here in the UAE. And I think most of their hotels are still in this region. I know they do have some in the US but an iconic brands to get into marketing, of course. 

And then the Global Hotel Alliance, which again, I think is a brand that has just particularly in my mind exploded, particularly in the last couple of years, although I know it’s been around for a lot longer, and I know you’re celebrating a 20 year anniversary this year.

For people who don’t know the Global Hotel Alliance, Jelena, do you mind just explaining, I suppose, the history of the business and how it became, I suppose, such a powerful loyalty business? 

Jelena: Of course, Global Hotel Alliance was created in 2004 with just a few brands and few hotels. And it is amazing to see how fast we were able to grow.

So, as you mentioned, we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year with 40 beautiful, unique, independent hotel brands who brought together 800 properties in a hundred countries. So we are the creator of the loyalty program, GHA Discovery, which is adopted by every single brand and hotel in their lines. So GHA Discovery is a shared multi brand loyalty program which we are so proud of.

So GHA Discovery was first launched in 2010. With a loyalty currency that was unique and innovative that time it was called Local Experiences. So our hotel, hotels, our properties and our portfolio created unique experiences unique to their location for our guests. And our program members could earn local experience vouchers, which then they could redeem against experiences as they as they wanted based on their interests and based on the location where they wanted to redeem them.

So in 2019, we felt that something that was so innovative a decade ago became a norm pretty much in every industry and we wanted to change that. So this was the reason why we decided to relaunch GHA Discovery in 2019. Unfortunately we hit the pandemic or pandemic hit us and we had to slightly postpone our relaunch, but still we, we managed to relaunch GHA Discovery with a new value proposition, which is based on the three core pillars, rewards, recognition, and Live Local at the very end of 2021, which I feel it was a great start for, for the program because out of the pandemic, everyone wanted to travel and everyone wanted to, to see what their favorite travel brands and programs could offer them. 

Paula: Absolutely. Absolutely. And I’ll pick up on a few things, Jelena, because for me, I think one of the really important things to, I suppose, explain for again, our global audience is of course, GHA as a corporate brand, again, increasingly well known, super well respected, particularly at the conference that we met last year and I know you’re going back again this year. 

What I really like is the way it’s also, I suppose, adapted to each of the individual brands. And I always have, of course, my own favorites that, you know, even researching for today, you won’t be surprised I picked an Irish hotel brand. So The Doyle Collection, for example, is one that has The Doyle Collection Discovery and Anantara Discovery. So I’d love you just to explain a little bit how that is such an important pillar in the communication strategy for the members. 

Jelena: Yes, of course. So GHA Discovery is an umbrella loyalty program and every brand that joins the Alliance and adopts our loyalty program calls it in the way that is closer to the community brands. So for Anantara, it’s an Anantara Discovery for Kempinski, it’s Kempinski Discovery, et cetera. 

So we felt it’s very important because a loyalty program is delivered to a larger extent by our hotel employees by employees of these beautiful brands. And it’s important that they can proudly introduce their brand discovery to their guests when they check in or when they check out. So to enroll them, for instance. 

So we, are all aligned when it comes to the value preposition and importance of loyalty and GHA discovery within the Alliance. So this is why the Alliance has been so successful and was able to grow for 20 years. So everyone understands and appreciates what loyalty gives to the business, but we never tried to change or dictate any, any rules when it comes to the of the program, of course we have standards, we have training materials which we provide to our hotel brands. There are program rules and of course they have to be delivered to every guest, but at the same time We celebrate the diversity of our brands and we know that this is exactly what our program members love about the program. 

Paula: Yeah. I guess it’s a, it’s one of those key pieces of feedback. Absolutely Jelena where, you know, any member of any loyalty program wants to accelerate the earning and there may not be, for an example, a Doyle Collection in a new destination I might be going to, but absolutely there might be a Kempinski or an Anantara. So at least I can consolidate my earning and I guess accelerate it because I guess that’s one of the principles as a member, particularly I think of a hotel program, that’s really important to make sure we get our rewards.

Jelena: Exactly. So regardless of the, of the, of the name, so it’s Kempinski Discovery, Anantara or Doyle or Corinthia or any other beautiful brand that is part of the, of the loyalty program, members can be sure that they will be recognized and rewarded and In the same way, any of our 800 hotels. 

Paula: Amazing. Amazing. And I guess something that is an industry trend, of course, as well, is the interest, I suppose, and the appetite from hotels to, of course, encourage booking direct. So I know you guys offer that facility. There’s a single app again across all the hotels, all of the brands. So it sounds like that’s a core part of the strategy as well, is to, I suppose, allow people to have those direct bookings, earn their loyalty proposition, their loyalty Discovery Dollars.

And in fact, maybe you’d explain that piece because you briefly touched on the three pillars. So would you kick us off with talking about Discovery Dollars and explaining that piece? 

Jelena: Of course, maybe just one step back to mention as well that when we created the Alliance, our objective was to support small to mid sized brands to compete against big names in the industry. And since then, nothing has changed. So this is still one of our core objectives and brands, they feel that they are supported. They are not alone in the loyalty space. 

Paula: Nice. 

Jelena: So, This, this has been the same for, for the past 20 years. So when it comes to a channel, so we, of course, like any other business is fighting for direct bookings and we, we understand the importance of that. So channel shift is another objective of all of us. So we pay a lot of attention to our marketing activities and so do our hotel brands, of course. 

So then back to your question about pillars of the program. I think when we relaunched GHA Discovery, one of our objectives was again to come up with a loyalty currency that will be innovative. And in the same way, local experiences were innovative in 2010, our new currency Discovery Dollars. is also very innovative. 

So Discovery Dollars is a digital reward currency, which members receive when they stay with our hotels. The concept is very simple. Every time they stay with us, they receive up to 7 percent back in Discovery Dollars. 

Paula: My goodness. That’s very generous. 

Jelena: Yes, it is generous. And it’s also very easy to understand our currency. One Discovery Dollar equals one US dollar. 

Paula: Okay. There are no blackout dates. There are no restrictions. So members can always use them. They can use them to reduce the bill for the next day. They can also share the Discovery Dollars with friends and family. So they can also experience our properties and also they can donate Discovery Dollars. 

Paula: Lovely. The shareability piece is, is one I feel that the industry should really give more attention to. You know, I mean, I’ve, I’ve thought about it a lot and the experience of sharing a currency, like I, I had my husband transfer some points to me recently and we were both delighted, you know, and I think that that is an important principle.

Sometimes I’ve seen it done where there is a charge to the person who’s, who’s transferring the points. And that to me is something that I do resist and dare I say, even resent because I feel like if my husband has earned the miles or points or I have earned them, then the transfer should be something that’s facilitated and supported. So we actually get to have the value. So it sounds like that’s a core principle you have as well.

Jelena: I absolutely agree with you. So when our program members when our guests are happy with the loyalty program and its currency and want to share their experience with, with their loved ones. So I think it’s great to support this initiative. 

Paula: Amazing. Yeah. And how’s the branding piece going? Cause I always feel like creating a new currency, like something, you know, like a Discovery Dollar. How is that piece going? Do you feel that members have a good understanding? It sounds like it’s very simple, which of course is always a great starting point. So is it something that your hotels understood and accepted quite easily? Or do you feel that’s something that you’re still having to communicate?

Jelena: Well, I think in terms of communication address to our end consumers, our program members, like anything else, it takes time, of course. Members are still more clear with points and miles rather than new loyalty currency concepts. So as anything else, it takes time. It takes time to explain Discovery Dollars.

It took us time to explain our third pillar of the program, Live Local, which is something that is not related to, to stay. I can explain how it works, but just to, to say that if for so many years, your customers see that the benefit of the program is during their stay, then introducing something new, of course, takes time and effort to explain and for members to adopt.

Paula: Absolutely. And I do love the the local experiences, Jelena. And again, in preparation for today, I was having a look again, another favorite brand. I was looking at the Anantara. Out on the palm and they have a beautiful Arabic coffee tasting experience. And when I think about how many people arrive to either live or come on holidays to Dubai, I mean, you know, tens of millions, I’m not even sure of the numbers, but I was just like, that’s a beautiful thing. If I had people visiting that we could go to the, the, the hotel and have that experience. And again, without needing the overnight stay. 

So that sounds like something that was a lot of work. It’s, I know you explained it was the original proposition, so it feels like it’s a still core piece in terms of what Discovery is doing.

Jelena: Yes, absolutely. We have about 1000 experiences which are created and curated by, by our hotels. So there is always this local and cultural touch to, to each of them. So Live Local as a concept has the intention to connect our program members with their favorite brands and hotels throughout the year, even if they don’t travel, even if they don’t stay.

Because when we’ve done the research for the relaunch of GHA Discovery in 2019, we realized that our program members on average don’t travel as often as they should. they would like, or we would like them. So, and then they were also saying that due to sustainability concerns, they might not travel that often in the future.

So our thought was, how can we create a program for them that can bring then together with their favorite brands and what else. So Live Local is exactly that. So these are non stay offers. And it was interesting for us to introduce them to our, our program members where they don’t need a hotel stay.

So anything from dining offers, dining discounts, special spa offers, access to hotel facilities, to gyms and pools and, and, and the beach perhaps. So all of that is in our program and members just need to be a member of the program. They don’t need to book a stay. 

Paula: I really like that. And again, I’ve heard it happening in recent years now in other brands. I think, you know, seeing perhaps exactly what you guys have done. I didn’t realize you were doing it for so long and I would love to know, and I don’t even know if you were there at the very launch, of course back in, back in 2010, but for hotels to, to understand the value of creating that local opportunity as distinct from the stay, which of course, you know, that’s the, the obvious commercial objective, I guess, for any hospitality brand.

So do you think it took time for them in the very beginning of the loyalty program to understand how special that could be? 

Jelena: Well, I wasn’t part of the very initial relaunch. I think generally speaking, hospitality landscape that time was very different. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: Now we see more and more changes to the concepts of hotels. So hotels started even before the pandemic opening their spaces where we can work, where we can meet friends. So I think the concept and the mindset of our travelers has changed. And, and this is why we see these in the industry more and more often. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: And of course that moment of commercial benefit, as you mentioned, it’s also very important because there are always days of the week or weeks of, of some months when travel is not that, that busy is not picking up really. There is seasonality in place and this is why hotels have space to welcome our program members, to their facilities.

Paula: Indeed. Yes. And again, all of your hotels, like, you know, so many have those beautiful restaurants as well. And why would we not encourage our, our members to go and visit the restaurants regardless of whether it’s in a hotel or particularly when it’s in a hotel. So another opportunity to to enjoy local experiences. So totally get that. 

The third pillar I know just before we move on, as we’ve talked about the rewards, your Discovery Dollars, love the simplicity. Totally get that. We’ve talked about the local experiences, and then of course you’ve got a recognition proposition. So I’m guessing that’s, I suppose, similar to, you know, what a lot happens in the industry. Super important, almost like the baseline, and then you layer everything in on top. 

Jelena: Yes, exactly. So recognition was a big part of our program already when we launched it in the first place. And we of course continued with the recognition. There is no reason to break something if it works well. 

Paula: Totally. 

Jelena: So our customers like the benefits that stay benefits that the program offers specifically upgrades, room upgrades, who does not like them? Early check in, late checkout. And of course we continuously ask our program members to help us understand their need and preferences.

So for the second year in a row, we’ve done a customer research. This project helps us understand what our program members think about GHA Discovery today, but also where they see GHA discovery in the future. What benefits do they expect? What are their needs? And then we can react based on their feedback. 

Paula: Absolutely. 

Jelena: So we know for instance, that free breakfast is something that it’s so important to members of every loyalty program. And this is something that we launched a few months ago. Currently at participating brands, but also, at the moment just for our top customers, Titanium members. 

Paula: Okay. 

Jelena: So also our hotel brands are adding beautiful amenities and experiences to welcome our guests. So all of that, as you said, very important for, for every program member.

Paula: Amazing. And just one thing, actually, I should have clarified probably earlier, Jelena I love the way you use the word beautiful and that is my sense of all of your brands. Do you feel like you are a leisure only brand? Dare I say it. I mean, I know there’s no such thing, of course but, but is that really the focus, that it’s leisure members and, and, and, and guests that you’re going after? Do you also have a corporate traveler profile? Or I just love to get a sense of that because beautiful is something that I particularly aspire to. There might be other things that are more important, for example, if I’m on business. So we just love to understand how the whole Alliance is focused.

Jelena: So our portfolio is very diverse, so there is something for everyone, for business traveler, for leisure traveler. We also have multiple brands in, in, in several cities where we can have a combination of a business like properties, but also leisure properties. There are resorts. There are boutique properties, historic properties, so it’s a very diverse choice because we know that our customers, they always travel in life for different reasons. So if they’re on, on business, then probably their, their company will make a choice for them. So if they’re on leisure, then it will be their choice. So if, if they’re celebrating their wedding anniversary, they probably want to stay somewhere next to the beach or maybe on an Island.

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: If they want to explore the city, they will stay somewhere in the city center. So the choice is really very, very big. 

Paula: Amazing. Yeah. 

Jelena: And the choice is still very beautiful.

Paula: Of course, of course. And beyond hotels, we were talking off air as well. I know you’re particularly passionate about partnerships and there’s been some really innovative partnerships that you’ve done as a business in the last couple of years. So bring us up to date on, on the non hotel options you offer. 

Jelena: Of course. We know from the customer research and of course from all the research that is available to us in the market that increasingly consumer are looking at loyalty programs that can offer them stay benefits, but also benefits that go beyond the hotel stay, something that they can use everyday on every step of their journey, whatever it is, if they want to rent a car, if they want to book a flight, if they want to book a cruise. So loyalty program is the companion and friend. So this is how we see it. 

So we slowly started looking into the ecosystem of, of travel services and products and what would be relevant for our, our program members. So we started with two very unique partnerships. So one is with Regent Seven Seas  Cruises by far one of the most luxurious cruise lines in the, in the industry.

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: So we wanted to allow our program members to enjoy our products. So Regent guests are welcomed at our hotels and our program members have a great partner they can trust when they plan perhaps their first voyage. So this is a partnership which we launched 12 months ago. And it’s, it’s going quite well. So we give away every time with every Regent booking Discovery Dollars. So up to two and a half thousand Discovery Dollars, which are equal to US dollars and members then after the voyage can enjoy stays at, at our hotels. 

Paula: Beautiful. 

Jelena: So another partnership, which we launched in March is with Plum Guide home rentals. So Plum Guide added 38,000 amazing properties. These are not hotel rooms. So this is a different type of accommodation. Anything from flats, and apartments to villas and houses on the very high end. Something that the Plum guy team audits before these, these properties can be booked. 

Paula: Beautiful.

Jelena: So again, our members receive a flat 5 percent back in Discovery Dollars, which they can use for stays at our hotels. 

Paula: Incredible. 

Jelena: So these are two examples. We are approached quite often by, by other companies to, to see how we can work together. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: And we, we are looking at different options to diversify our, our offering. So more to come. 

Paula: Indeed, indeed. Yes. And I was going to say, you know, if you want to give a shout out to our audience, because again, we’ve got, you know, people in all sectors, all industries, I’m sure you’re always looking for those opportunities and those ideas for what else can you add into your overall ecosystem. So I think it’s fair to say that you’re open to hearing from people. 

Jelena: Yes. Of course. Absolutely. I think I also have to mention that we work with quite a few companies on the status match proposition and I think something which is very common in the industry as well, because every business wants to boost the database. And high quality partnerships that, that we have with several companies sometimes for a decade. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: We, we, we cherish them and we value them. So we, we want to see how we can diversify our databases, but also how we can help each other by aiding extra benefits for our members.

Paula: Totally. Yeah. Indeed. Yeah. Again, that’s one that that’s quite recently in the last, I’m going to say two or three years in terms of on my kind of awareness. But now of course it’s something that I want to go and chase status everywhere. So, so lots going on. So good to know you’re in that as well. 

The other trend, I know you’re passionate about Jelena is sustainability. I think you touched on it very briefly, but just as part of our overall, I suppose, discussion about hospitality, it is one of the kind of core topics. So tell us how is GHA Discovery thinking about sustainability at the moment? 

Jelena: So sustainability is very close to my heart because again, thinking of my childhood, I grew up in a very sustainable environment.

And I think for me personally, it was very nice to see out of the pandemic, how concerned program members became about environment about support that we want and have to give to local communities and more so how they expect their favorite brands and products to share the values that our customers share.

So with this in mind, we decided to launch two initiatives. One is Green Collection. So Green Collection is a collection of the most sustainable properties in our portfolio. So there are more than 200 hotels out of 800 that pioneering sustainable efforts in the environment where they operate.

So they are audited by recognized international companies, such as Earth Check, Green Globe, Green Key and so many others. And they are focusing on multiple areas when it comes to sustainability. It’s protecting the environment. It’s sustainable planning, of course, it’s cultural heritage. So how can they protect cultural heritage and also how they can support local communities. 

Paula: Lovely.

Jelena: So we, we took this 360 approach and brought up this, this concept Green Collection to help our program members identify the most sustainable accommodation choices if they decide so. So this is one initiative which celebrated its first anniversary this spring as well.

And the other one is Donate Discovery Dollars. I think I also briefly mentioned it. So our hotel brands and their properties work with local charities in the locations where they operate. They support them in, in, in multiple ways. And we decided to combine all of them under four themes.

The ones that focus on educating children because they obviously our future. The second is helping families. So there are health, programs that support that. There are of course programs that support animal life and environment. So our program members can donate their Discovery Dollars to one of those that they feel is closer to their hearts. And then without any taking commission from our side, we transfer all this, this funds to, to charities. 

Paula: Beautiful, beautiful, very well said. So thank you. Very articulate, very clear. And again, I suppose just to pick up on the principle that I, that I It’s giving the member the choice because again, sometimes we want to use our Discovery Dollars for ourselves. Sometimes we might feel actually, you know, we want to do something for someone else with them. So that element of choice I think makes people really feel involved in the program. So it’s a really nice principle. So it sounds like it’s very well executed. 

Jelena: Thank you. 

Paula: Amazing. So listen, we’re coming to the end of our conversation, Jelena I’d love for you to maybe finish off with, you know, how’s it going? You know, there’s some incredible results I know have been announced in 2023. Give us a sense of where you’re at in membership numbers and anything you’re most proud of as a brand or personally. 

Jelena: Well, in terms of numbers, the program is growing. So every year we’re adding about two to three million members to the program. So we’re very close to 28 million right now. 

Paula: Wow. 

Jelena: In terms of numbers, we communicate them from time to time. Our annual numbers, our half year numbers and sometimes quarterly numbers. 2013, of course, was exceptional year for us. We were able through GHA Discovery generate 2.3 billion US dollars in total revenue. 

Paula: 2023?

Jelena: 2023.

Paula: Amazing. 

Jelena: So it’s, it’s big, of course. But I think when we talk about success stories, there are generally two things that I would mention. 

And one of them is, is really what our success is based on. It’s the collaboration with our hotel brands because without their, their support, without their passion and their belief that loyalty works for their business. We would not be able to achieve what we have achieved. 

And then the other one, of course, and something that I personally am very proud of is the relaunch of GHA Discovery. So every passionate specialist in the loyalty business works with the program, but not everyone has a choice or a chance to launch or relaunch a loyalty program. So sometimes we’re given the program to work with and make it work better, obviously every year. But for me, it was a very, very big project. So I was part of the, of the co project team and spent about six months going around the world, meeting our program members who I said helped us to co create a new value proposition of the program.

Paula: Beautiful. 

Jelena: So this was something very very meaningful for me personally. And of course, as we continue launching different initiatives of GHA Discovery, it is very, very touching for me to see every positive feedback of our program members about anything we have launched, either free breakfast or donate Discovery Dollars or Green Collection or our partnership projects. So this is something that gives us strength and motivates us to create even more. 

Paula: Amazing. I love a success story. And as we said, you’re going from strength to strength. And I know anybody, of course, who’s listening to today’s show would love to hear more. Tell us about the conference. I know you’re speaking in Bangkok with the Loyalty and Awards team. So when is that happening? That’s this year. Yeah. 

Jelena: Yes, it’s end of October, 

Paula: End of October. 

Jelena: I will be talking about partnerships. 

Paula: Incredible. Yeah. And I’ve, I’ve certainly I’ve attended the last three years. I’d love to get there as well this year. For me, the whole piece is it’s a beautiful community and obviously loyalty and travel is it’s a particularly small niche. So everybody kind of knows everybody. And I feel like I always learned so much. So delighted to hear that you’re going to be on the lineup this year. 

So that’s all I have from my side today, Jelena. Is there anything else that you wanted to mention before we wrap up?

Jelena: I think maybe to wrap up, I would emphasize the, the meaning and strength of shared loyalty programs. And there are so many of, of, of those in every industry, there are in airlines, there are in retail and in hospitality as well. So shared loyalty programs by far are not a competition. 

Paula: Yeah. 

Jelena: Very often we hear that brands struggle to launch a new loyalty program or they, they, they feel it’s difficult to maintain because it’s time consuming. It’s expensive. My message is they don’t have to be on their own. It’s always possible to join a shared loyalty program of like minded brands who will jointly support each other without competing. 

Paula: Yes. Totally. Yes. Collaboration rather than competition. Even while we continually compete, of course, there is so much value in human beings just coming together to do something in the interest of the overall guest. So again, well said. 

So we will make sure of course, Jelena, to link to your profile. I’m sure there’s plenty of people listening who will want to reach out and connect with you on LinkedIn. So with all of that said, Jelena Kezika, Senior Director of Strategy for the Global Hotel Alliance. Thank you so much from Let’s Talk Loyalty and Loyalty TV.

Jelena: Thank you for having me, Paula. 

Paula: This show is sponsored by Wise Marketer Group, publisher of the Wise Marketer, the premier digital customer loyalty marketing resource for industry relevant news, insights, and research. Wise Marketer Group also offers loyalty, education and training globally through its Loyalty Academy, which has certified nearly 900 marketers and executives in 49 countries as certified loyalty marketing professionals.

For global coverage of customer engagement and loyalty, check out thewise marketer.com and become a wiser marketer or subscriber. Learn more about global loyalty education for individuals or corporate training programs at loyaltyacademy.org. 

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