#185: Create Emotional Loyalty With Points For Good

Points for Good is a programme partner for brand loyalty programmes that allow customers to donate reward points toward a social purpose. Started in India as Points for People and expanding globally, in this episode we learned about the drivers behind this impactful programme from Brian Almeida, Founder of Points for Good.

Brands have long partnered with charities, but keeping the relationship successful long-term can be a labor-intensive task. This programme offers connections to more than 14 global charities helping children, animals, the environment and more. With more than 1,000 corporate users, Points for Good, along with brand partners and users, is making a positive difference in the world.

With a flexible platform that allows brands to customize the points structure and the charities offered, Points for Good is a great choice for loyalty managers with proven experience that satisfies an emotional loyalty connection with customers.

Show Notes:

1) Brian Almedia, Founder, Points for Good

2) Points for Good website 

Audio Transcript

#185: Create Emotional Loyalty With Points For Good (37m)
Paula Thomas
Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty, an industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m your host, Paula Thomas. And if you work in loyalty marketing, join me every week to learn the latest ideas from loyalty specialists around the world. This show is sponsored by the International Loyalty Awards, which celebrate the world’s most innovative and effective loyalty ideas from all six continents. Why not celebrate your success and loyalty by being shortlisted or even winning a prestigious International Loyalty Award in 2022.

Paula Thomas

The closing date for entries is the 14th of February. So visit the internationalloyaltyawards.com for more information and make sure you enter. Hello and welcome to episode 185 of Let’s Talk Loyalty. I’m joined today by Brian Almeida. Who’s the Founder of a charity loyalty platform called Points For Good. Now Brian’s loyalty career goes back over 30 years to when he supported the launch of the British Airways Executive Club in South Asia, as well as other programs, including jet privilege, the Taj inner circle and the Barbie Fan Club.

Paula Thomas

Brian is also internationally known as a judge for the International Loyalty Awards and the Founder of a strategic loyalty consulting firm called Strategic Caravan based in India. But as I said, we’re here today to talk about the Points For Good platform. So I hope you enjoy listening to the show as much as I enjoy chatting with Brian. So Brian Almeida first and foremost, welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty.

Brian Almeida

Paula, thank you for having me on the show. Love, love your show and all that you’re doing in the loyalty industry. And just so happy to share Points For Good’s journey too.

Paula Thomas

Wonderful Brian. It’s actually long overdue. So I should probably apologize. It’s taken me some time to schedule the conversation. You’ve been so good to us here. I know we’ve had Mala Raj, your colleague on the show already from Strategic Caravan. So yeah, it’s wonderful to finally have you in person talking with us today,

Brian Almeida

As I say, in a better, late than never, but I, I think our show is, you know, doing so much good for the loyalty industry and telling people and sharing with people, all the experiences on different programs and different experts that you put on the show. I think it’s, it’s a wonderful show.

Paula Thomas

Thank you. Thank you, Brian. So listen, first of all, just, just let listeners know where you are based because I think, you know, we do try and have very much a global perspective as you know, with them, with both the audience and the guests. So first of all, share with us, where are you at joining us today?

Brian Almeida

So I’m based out of Mumbai in India and we cover the Indian market, the Middle East market, Southeast Asian market out of India, but we’ve done, we’ve done plenty of global projects. And some of the journeys that we talk about going forward is about when global.

Paula Thomas

Oh, interesting. Exciting. Okay. So before we talk about the big story, then Brian, tell your listeners, tell our listeners, what is your favourite loyalty program?

Brian Almeida

So, so I have a couple of them from just a credit card transaction programs. I like the SDFC in Penia program in India, just for its flexibility, its ubiquity and you know, the wide range of services you can earn and redeem your points at. I love the American Express rewards program as well. And from the other side, I like the LLM program, which is an Emirate Sky program, sadly that as the place jet privilege, after debt areas closed up, the Emirates Sky program is, is my favourite program.

Paula Thomas

Okay. Yeah. So I know you have an extensive career. Brian, I think at 30 years I saw mentioned working in loyalty, as we said before we came on air. I think our paths probably first may be crossed when you were supporting the launch of the British Air was Executive Club in south Asia. And it was around the same time I was working with British Airways on the leisure side here in Dubai and, but definitely a lifelong lover of loyalty I can hear coming through and all of your work. And I think we first officially crossed paths with the international loyalty awards, which I just want to quickly mention before we talk about Points For Goods, because we literally are, as we talk and today I suppose the closing date is coming up February 14th.

Paula Thomas

So there’s about two days from when the show is going out for people to get their entries in. So tell us about your role as a judge with the international loyalty awards.

Brian Almeida

Oh, the, the International Loyalty Award is, you know, one of my most exciting experiences and that time of year is extremely good for me because I get to learn so much from all the new entries and what’s new in the space. But more importantly, I think, I think it’s a great benchmark for loyalty programs to benchmark themselves when they enter the awards, you know, benchmark literally benchmarking yourself amongst the best. And I’ve seen the entries they’re really high quality every year. It keeps getting better. It’s, it’s, it’s a wonderful experience.

Paula Thomas

Okay, great. So two days countdown, as we say, get the entries in, keep Brian and his colleagues busy on the judging side. Yes. And we’ll all be getting together then in London, in June as well.

Brian Almeida

Absolutely. Look forward to that. Finally, after two years of being, you know, inquiring in isolation and work from home, I think look forward to meeting people in person.

Paula Thomas

Fantastic. Fantastic. So we’re here to talk about your wonderful program, Brian Cole Points For Goods, and a really interesting and meaningful platform that’s been operating in the Indian market. I know until now for about four years. And I suppose it does say a lot, I suppose the name is wonderful. I think you originally were called points for people and rebranded to Points For Goods. So maybe tell us, where did the idea come for this overall platform? Brian, first and foremost,

Brian Almeida

You know, it’s, it’s actually an intersection of my experience and my personal life. You know, the professional and personal experiences with the loyalty industry I’ve felt that loyalty programs were facing a challenge of engaging with their members from a non, non-transactional point of view. Right? So if you, and if you look at the AI world today, you know, you can almost automate that, Hey Paula, we haven’t seen you for a couple of months. Why don’t you come back? And, you know, we noticed you bought this and why wouldn’t you buy that? And it’s very, very transactional, but beyond that brands and programs are struggling to engage with customers beyond the transaction, right?

Brian Almeida

And I burned a year, was a great way to get members to start looking at a social purpose, which is becoming bigger and bigger as we go along and getting brands to do, identify with the purpose that they would like their members and customers to alignment or be participative from the business point of view. You know, I always felt that particularly coming from India, very often, people have their religious, you know, institution that they can do charity with, but in a secular mode or professional mode, they, they didn’t have too many options where they could donate in a retail form, you know, donate thousand rupees or donate 500 rupees to a cause and a purpose that they, that they would be assured that you know, is, is going to the right.

Brian Almeida

And I thought these, these two were big drivers for me to motivate that, motivated me to start Points For Good, then binds for people. But I thought it felt a need, it filled a need for the programs. It feels it filled a need for the end members. And of course, it also filled a need for charities, which I later discovered, you know, for instance, charities struggle to, to raise funds on a regular basis from retail. And and the only solution to that is to get a wide number of retail donors to their causes because otherwise, it’s a treadmill that the charities are running off.

Brian Almeida

You know, they get a corporate to donate an instance or a finance, but individual. And then every year they’re chasing that same, you know, to look for new donors. Whereas if you create a nice big basket of retail donors, then the flow is constant, you can plan better. So it feels, you know, it’s a bin bin bin for programs. It’s a bin for individual members charities.

Paula Thomas

Totally. Brian. Yes. And actually I was talking with the charity as well recently, and we did have that conversation that, you know, that whole sector seems to have, you know, not at the opportunity to innovate. And as you said, Brian, it’s extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive to be fundraising nonstop. And actually the purpose of the fundraising is to do the goods. So if we can support the fundraising side, they can focus on what they’re supposed to be doing. So, so absolutely critical. And I’ve seen some headlines as well. I know, certainly through the pandemic, a lot of charity donations have just collapsed. So they’re, they’re really, I think in quite desperate times.

Paula Thomas

And so if ever there was a time where, you know, a platform like Points For Good was needed, it definitely seems like now is the time. So tell us some of the experience on how it works. Brian, I guess, you know, as a starting point, and you’re obviously going out and meeting with loyalty programs to present them the opportunity to, you know, to have access to, to being these beneficiaries, you know, either themselves as a company, but obviously more importantly for their loyalty program members. So, how does this work for them? You know, you know, and what’s the revenue model behind it, Brian, you know, once you’ve established, you know, somebody has a big, you know, membership base, for example, I think I saw a figure that in India you have about 150 million members across all of your partners that can donate to your various charities.

Paula Thomas

So tell us how it works for the partner side, maybe first of all.

Brian Almeida

Yeah. So, so, you know, in the, in the, in these four years, actually, what we’ve been focusing on is just to get the infrastructure and what I call the piping together. So we’ve been active on enrolling just about as many programs and programs on the employee side. We thought more than a thousand corporates that are part of the program and can donate from the employee rewards. And so we’ve done a lot of that work and on, and then on the charity side, we focused on filling the different needs. So, you know, we looked at the UN sustainable development goals and we tried to fill the fill those needs, right.

Brian Almeida

And, and be not in charities that are doing wonderful, wonderful work. I mean, when have any other stories of how we’re changing lives, that is, that is, you know, it brings tears to your eyes. So yeah, so that’s the focus on the plumping. And we said, if we can enable all the members and the individuals to just choose the cause that they’re passionate about, it could educate a girl jives in a village. It could be providing clean drinking water to a village.

Brian Almeida

It can be providing health and sanitation benefits. It can be helping cancer awareness. We even have two wonderful projects, which is the same. We have a project which trains tribal girls in field hockey in a village. Yeah. So it, it is about developing the girl child and making them more confident to come out because not everything is about, you know, academics and studies. So we’re just creating for different types of people, create different kinds of solutions and then the programs, and they got great response from all the programs.

Brian Almeida

They look at the suite of offerings that we have, and it makes sense to them because then all they have to do is connect with us and their members can then donate to the choice that they feel most passionate about.

Paula Thomas

Okay. So what’s the individual member at the time of donation who chooses, which of the projects, as you said, is meaningful to them and they decide, yes. I want to donate my 1000 skywards miles or whatever currency to this one charity. So yeah, they, they get to choose. Okay so obviously the charity then is one of the rewards options. So, you know, any of these big platforms of course have plenty of ways that the individuals and can, you know, enjoy that, you know, moments of truth that we often talk about. And as you said, sometimes it is, you know, a flight I might be saving 4:00 AM and the, the charity option is, is a wonderful alternative.

Paula Thomas

So how is this working, I suppose, for the partners, because sometimes it feels like it’s, it’s hard to know whether, you know, the members are going to are actually going to donate, or if they’re going to say, I’d love to donate, but I need my fly. So, what’s the actual reality when it’s put in front of these members. So probably a tough question for you, but I think it’s important.

Brian Almeida

Absolutely. In fact, you know, because of my experience in loyalty when you look at the member distribution curves, there are, there are people who have so many points that they don’t really need the points to redeem it for some items that they want in their life. Right. It’s, you know, and I’ve seen it even with frequent flyers, you know, you’re on a flight three times a week, and the last thing you want to do is redeem your minds, right? Yeah. So that’s saying that segment is most happy. And in fact, it’s across the board, the satisfaction level is the highest when they donated to charity, you know, just the feeling that they have that, you know, they’ve, they’ve helped improve someone’s life.

Brian Almeida

On the other side, on the other side of the gov, you have members who have so few binds that they can’t get anything meaningful out of it. Right. They say, you know, year, again, the most meaningful thing is to help someone else and, you know, donated to a good cause. And that’s again, a win, right. And then, and then in the middle of the curve, you have the whole majority of the member base who are earning points. And they do have the aspiration to do their little free ticket to Madrid or Barcelona or Rome or whatever else, but they also feel, Hey, you know what, I can just put a portion of it and help someone else.

Brian Almeida

So it goes across the spectrum in different ways. And we, we don’t have data that we are building too, but we have informal surveys, which we have done with members, and I can guarantee you, it is the most satisfying reward feeling

Paula Thomas

I can imagine. It’s…

Brian Almeida

Not, it’s, it’s not a holiday. It’s just the fact that you’ve had some…

Paula Thomas

Yeah, yeah, no, it’s a higher purpose, a higher good. And again, I think all of our values have changed through the pandemic and we want to be more generous and we want opportunities to do that. So I think that the key opportunity that you’re providing obviously is that seamless and effortless way to donate. And, and I think the point for all of those segments as well, Brian, which is, I suppose, perhaps the most obvious one when maybe points are expiring, you know, so if there’s genuinely no opportunity for me to use them at all, even if I might want to, then, of course, I want them to go somewhere rather than nowhere.

Brian Almeida


Paula Thomas

Lovely. Wow. So four years of experience in India, how many charities are you supporting? You’ve mentioned, was it a thousand partners in terms of the programs and how many charities are you supporting then in the Indian markets?

Brian Almeida

So a, B we are popped up with 14 charities just to get, get this that’s a six. And we have at any given point in time, upwards of 35 projects within the charities From, from the program point of view, we have, we have more than 20 plus bank programs, but programs, we, we have a thousand corporates plus that’s where we actually talked about the 150 million members who we’ve enabled them to donate. The biggest challenge is to get them, to look at the rewards catalogue in the charity section and say, I can donate my points per cost.

Paula Thomas

Wonderful. So they’re incredible statistics, Brian. And as you know, I always used to start my show by asking people their favourite statistics. So I’m guessing 150 members, sorry, 150 million members of loyalty programs in India, particularly those credit card members. That’s an extraordinary bank of points that you’re connecting. So I’m pretty sure knowing, you know, the amount of time as you said, it takes to get the plumbing in place and to get the momentum going. It feels like actually now, you know, it’s really when you’re ready for takeoff. And I suppose that leads us to your next big step, which is you’re planning to launch in Europe. So tell us all about Points For Good in Europe.

Brian Almeida

Yeah. So, so when I launched binds for good, you know, my vision was if we could raise a billion dollars globally to do good Now. So we started with India. It’s obviously as all startup ideas, are, it takes longer than what you planned for. But yeah, so, so being now ready to actually launch binds for good in Europe and that’s that, that second market, which people enter in 22 and hopefully South Africa. So we have interests in South Africa as well.

Brian Almeida

The whole intent is, you know, it’s a platform for doing good and it’s a black farm to channelize just to give you some statistics, which is dated, but it will give you the scale of the potential they say in the US there’s about $700 billion worth of points line in accounts In the UK, in the that’s about 7 billion pounds in India. They’re issuing annually, upwards of 10 billion, Indian rupees worth of fines every year.

Paula Thomas

Oh my God. I’ll have to work out the conversion for that.

Brian Almeida

Yeah. Yeah. So 1% of that is all I ask for members to do, right. Is we will be, I think we will be able to shift the needle on many, many projects and initiatives.

Paula Thomas

Absolutely. Yeah. So we’re here in February, Brian and so still quite early in 2022, I know you’ve lined up a number of charities in Europe already. Interesting to know if you’re still looking for new charities, because I know we do have some charges listening. And of course the main purpose is to, you know, encourage loyalty program managers who are listening and explain to them the opportunity to get involved with you.

Brian Almeida

Absolutely. In fact, our, our key markets will be Switzerland to start with Germany and France. That’s the market that you start operating with. And I think the momentum comes in when they start to sign the program onto the platform, because that starts, that starts there, you know, the fund flow for the charity is right. And that, that creates the moment. And so yes, if there are likely program managers and owners in listening to this, I would love to connect with you.

Paula Thomas

Okay. Okay. And that’s across all sectors. So whether they’re hospitality, loyalty programs, whether they’re telcos, whether they’re anything, if they’ve got, I suppose, you know, a liability on the balance sheet and that’s looking for, for a good purpose or another good purpose, because what I’m guessing, Brian is, you know, a lot of people, you know, do have maybe some charity initiatives in place, but this is something they can add in as another way, I suppose, to allow their members to, to donate.

Brian Almeida

So-so absolutely many of the programs do have charities on their reward catalog. But what Points For Good does is it’s designed like a black box. So it allows you and the member to pick and choose your projects. Like I said, I told you earlier, so it transfers the joy into the hands of the member for who they want to donate or what project they want to donate to. And that is that as much more empowering, of course we allow brands, if a brand wants to adopt, let’s say, you know, cleaning the ocean or making sure that they’re not polluting the ocean as a cause they one can look at that as well and say this RB stand for that because we understand that sometimes brand like to adopt a purpose and a boss that they want to support and align their members to that.

Brian Almeida

So that that’s a possibility that we do allows for.

Paula Thomas

Okay. Yeah. And you’ve reminded me absolutely Brian, because I’ve done some work in the energy sector back in Ireland. And so again, I know that anytime we talked about charity, it had to be something that was, you know, from a theme, from a brand perspective, it had to be connected in some way to, you know, power, you know, so positive association of power. So I definitely think whether it’s the environment, which I know you’ve, you know, an environmental proposition and charity on your India program, I’m sure you’ll be adding an environmental proposition for Europe as well. So I do think that, you know, as you said, it’s a platform having myself negotiated lots of these types of partnerships in the past, it’s extremely time-consuming for every loyalty program manager to go out and build the relationships, you know, with all of the different charities, evaluate them and choose them.

Paula Thomas

So I do think you’re providing a great service actually, to simplify that. And allowing, as you said, to plug it in to basically say, I absolutely want to do something for goods, I don’t necessarily want to have to negotiate all of that myself. So I think there’s a scale benefit that you’re bringing to the industry that is that a super nice.

Brian Almeida

Absolutely. And, and, and the other bit is, you know, we, we don’t define what the conversion rate is for the points. We allow the loyalty program to define that. So if you want to do a hundred, a hundred points is equal to $1, a hundred points is equal to $10. That’s totally up to the program. And, and all I can say is I I’ve seen in members, you know, don’t really necessarily look at that equation as long as they’re feeling good that they’re helping a glass and a project that they’re passionate about. You know, if the item in the rewards catalog where they don’t really do the mental math.

Paula Thomas

Totally. Yes. Yeah. Well, I think that’s where they, they trust the program, I guess, to make sure that it is a, you know, a good use of their, their funds and their currency. So absolutely. There’s, there’s a trust element there. And you remind me, Brian, sorry. I did want to understand the business model. So, what is your revenue model? Like, how does it make sense for you?

Brian Almeida

So, yeah, great question. You know, our business model and there, we’re pretty transparent about this currently on, from the side of the donations we raised. So from the charities, so we, we of course transfer all of the money to the charities and we just charge them a fee on, on the amounts that we raised and it’s variable. And it’s our commitment to the charities that we will become the lowest cost fundraising, a source of income for you over time. And we’ve already priced it, although we not making, you know, meeting our costs, but we’ve already at the lowest end of the spectrum in terms of what fees.

Paula Thomas

Okay. Very nice. Very nice. So that’ll obviously piqued the interest of everyone in the charity sector. Who’s listening. Brian, are you and allowing, you know, charities to, to send through, you know, their own interest in becoming parts for good in Europe?

Brian Almeida

Absolutely. Yes. So we’re already, I think we’ve got six charities that agreed to come onto the platform and we’re, we’re open to all charities coming on book.

Paula Thomas

Okay. Super nice. Super nice. Yeah. So it’s, it’s a wonderful proposition, I guess, you know, as we’ve talked about already, we’re all feeling very, well-intentioned, we’re all feeling that our values are shifting. We talk endlessly about the need for emotional loyalty. You’ve already made the point of course, that we know how to do transactional loyalty for 40 years now. So, so there’s no gaps really in that space, but definitely this emotional side is one that I feel like that there’s massive opportunity. You’ve already got the proven experience four years of, of building this platform, excited to hear Europe is next. And then tell us about, you’ve mentioned South Africa. What about other big markets?

Paula Thomas

Like the U S for example, or Australia is a huge list or ship in both of those countries?

Brian Almeida

I, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t think it was a strategy that decided the selection of the geographies. It was just simply put, and I’ll be very candid about this is where the interest came from. So, you know, it’d be, if we had someone who was interested in taking the black farm in those countries and building it out, we’re just happy to start sharing, you know, all of our it and branding and stuff like that with very minimal charges. So very happy to talk, have conversations across the middle east, the U S markets and any Australia.

Paula Thomas

Yes. Yeah. So anyone who’s feeling entrepreneurial and might want to move into a new business. There’s another partnership opportunity there.

Brian Almeida


Paula Thomas

Great. Well, listen, it’s a wonderful story, Brian. And as I said, you know, I’m always looking for anything that helps us solve the problem of emotional loyalty, because it is a big focus and intention for every all well-intentioned loyalty managers who are listening to this show. And I suppose the final kind of business question from my side, you know, really, it just is, you know, we’ve seen this model, you know, tried by again, other very, you know, well-intentioned people with great ideas and it hasn’t yet managed to be successful. For example, in the UK, I’d love to know what are your views on, on, what’s going to make Points For Goods successful where it hasn’t worked always in, in previous attempts perhaps and in the industry in the past,

Brian Almeida

Yes. Super request sent Bola. I, you know, I think, and as we grow, we realize what the challenges are in the business. A lot of deep program members are not necessarily happy when they see a flood of points go out of their balance sheet, right. And from the liability that they’re holding and they can’t in cash it, but, but here’s where the proof comes in. As you know, in loyalty, when members redeem, they actually tend to become more aligned with the brand. Right. And he is a very, very significant costs. So that’s a concept salvage programs to say, I’m almost on the words, you’re putting out a bet to any program manager that you allow your members to redeem it and donate your points, and you will see a business go up.

Brian Almeida

You. So, so that that’s, that’s the first problem. The second challenge is about, and therefore with that is communication. And with the members, the second challenge is it takes a while to gather momentum. Of course, you know, like I told you, you know, we thought we would be on the road much faster that it’s taken us four years. Right. The simple reason is that you, you, you don’t just put up a black and have people flooding to donate, right. So you’ve got, you gotta build the momentum. And in that, that period, you’ve just got to be frugal about your expenses and you, you gone be spending big money on investments, on branding and things like that.

Brian Almeida

We we’ve done precious little in marketing costs. All we’ve done, like I said, is we’ve done the plumping, they’ve gone on the catalogs. And we started to get donations, which means there is an inherent need that we are solving for, right. The investments in marketing has to match the scale up. And if you can match otherwise marketing costs, as you all know, is a black hole, there’s never enough. Right. So I think that I think being a new concept or relatively new concept, you’ve got to be cautious about how you scale up and make sure that you don’t lose focus on, on, on your balance sheet or your Vienna and all the spin.

Brian Almeida

So, I mean, the other place where we actually controlled it was the technology investments, you know, so for instance, a lot of work can be done in technology to make it completely seamless and, you know, frictionless, but a lot of the programs are not necessarily ready to do that. And, you know, you could be sitting on huge investments on technology and then realizing that it just doesn’t necessarily translate to roll up. So you’ve just got to manage your spends to the business and the donations that’s coming in. And, and yeah, I mean, from our point of view, we just used our consulting revenue to do incubate this platform.

Paula Thomas

Wow. And I think it also perhaps makes sense as much as we want to support every charity that exists out there. And I think the fact that you’ve been quite selective, I think you said 12 charities in India probably means that there is greater value. And so I guess they’re supporting you guys as well. And your donations are, you know, more significant, I guess, to, to fewer partners. So as you said, you can build over time, but better to start small gifts, as you said, the, the trickle and that it builds up into, you know, a flow of, of the revenue in the right direction. Yeah. Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah. Yeah. Well, as you said, you have to control the marketing call.

Paula Thomas

So hopefully we’re doing a good PR job for you here from, from our side. And let’s, don’t go se, as I said, I’ve been an admirer of your work, you know, in the consulting side was strategic caravan already for many years. So more than happy to support this latest project for you. So I guess that’s all the questions, Brian, from my side, any closing points before we wrap up,

Brian Almeida

Thank you so much Paula, for being this because you know, like I said, we really appreciate the exposure and the awareness that you’re building for us as well and, and the law of the industry. It, it is a big gap and, and I really appreciate you doing this with us. Yeah. I think, I think that that’s about it. And you know, I just hope that more programs are come on boat and they will want to partner and help social good.

Paula Thomas

Of course. And anyone listening of course can reach out to me at my usual email address, which is just pull up at Let’s Talk Loyalty.com and Brian, maybe you can share where’s the best place for people to contact you if they are interested in exploring a partnership with Points For Good.

Brian Almeida

The easiest way is to just look, look me up on LinkedIn, Brian Almeida, and you’ll get me. Or by email balmeida@strategiccaravan.com or you can just try to info at Points For Good.

Paula Thomas

Okay. And I’ll make sure to link to you as well. Brian, of course your LinkedIn and your website on the show notes. So we’ll make sure, and again, I can direct anyone to you. So with all of that said, it’s a very inspiring conversation. It’s a very exciting time. I’m really happy to support the Points For Good program and delighted to join you as well. We’ll be meeting up, as we said at the international loyalty awards in June, after you’ve done all of your amazing judging work. So on that note, I will say Brian Almeda, founder of Points For Good, thank you so much for Let’s Talk Loyalty by and look forward to meeting you.

Paula Thomas

This show is sponsored by The Wise Marketer. The world’s most popular source of loyalty marketing use insights and research. The Wise Marketer also offers loyalty marketing training through its Loyalty Academy, which has already certified over 245 executives in 27 countries as certified loyalty marketing professionals. For more information, check out TheWiseMarketer.com and LoyaltyAcademy.org.

Paula Thomas

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