#530: Let's Talk Loyalty - in SPANISH!

Today’s episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty is perhaps our most exciting announcement to date in terms of our content plans.

Alex Saul is today’s guest, an industry leader with a loyalty career that spans more than twenty-five years in various countries across Latin America, leading some of the biggest programs on the continent.

Listen to hear our BIG news, which is truly both a podcast and loyalty industry innovation, that brings together the best of Alex’s loyalty expertise, market insights and native language – content for loyalty industry professionals who speak Spanish!

Please do listen to find out more (in English) about Alex’s new monthly episodes as a guest host on Let’s Talk Loyalty.

This episode is hosted by Paula Thomas.

Show notes:

1) Alex Saul

Audio Transcript

Paula: Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty, an industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m your host, Paula Thomas, and if you work in loyalty marketing, join me every week to learn the latest ideas from loyalty specialists around the world. 

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Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty with perhaps our most exciting announcement to date in terms of our content plans. Alex Saul is a great friend of our show since he joined us first as a guest in 2021. As you’ll hear, Alex’s loyalty career spans more than 25 years in various countries across Latin America, leading some of the biggest programs on the continent.

So when he reached out to us recently to suggest working with us here in Let’s Talk Loyalty, we were beyond thrilled. Listen to today’s episode to hear our big news, which is truly both a podcast and a loyalty industry innovation. That brings together the best of Alex’s loyalty expertise, market insights, and native language for the Let’s Talk Loyalty audience. You’ve probably now guessed what our partnership plans are with Alex Saul, but please do listen to find out more. 

So first and foremost, Alex Saul, welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty. 

Alex: Hello, Paula. It’s a pleasure to be here with you again. The last time we spoke was three years ago when I was in Puntas, Colombia. So I’m very, very happy and glad to be here with you on the audience. 

Paula: You know, everywhere I turn, Alex, you know, particularly when Latin America comes up in terms of a conversation about loyalty, you’re the first name that comes off everybody’s lips. So, a huge credit to you. I know we had a wonderful conversation, as you said, back in 2021. I did re listen to it today, just to remind myself. about the extraordinary story of Puntos, Colombia, definitely a highly innovative program, and you’ve just done so much. So it’s a joy to have you back on today.

And I think particularly because this, I think is the single most innovative thing that Let’s Talk Loyalty has ever done. And it’s all thanks to you. So we have big news to announce today, but I’m going to keep people hanging for a minute before I make that announcement, I’m going to start with our usual opening question.

And as you know, Alex, now we’re really keen to really get inside your mind. And as somebody with 25 years loyalty experience, please do tell our audience, what is your current favorite loyalty program? 

Alex: Absolutely, Paula. Thank you. It is always a tough answer because. Down there are a lot of good strategies, programs that mentions to, to, I mean, to be important.

But for me, if I must choose one today, then I will choose Share Rewards. Why Share Rewards? Because Share Rewards is a comprehensive rewards ecosystem that rewards users with points with equals money. Very simple, very easy to understand and can be used in a wide range of options. Share Rewards is in the Emirates.

Paula: Yes, yeah.

Alex: As you’re very familiar with these markets and is part of Majid Al Futtaim group, which is a large, and several shopping centers with different brands and experiences.

I like the rewards ecosystem because it covers a large part of users needs shopping for essential and everyday items through the retail categories because they have Carrefour as partner, and it offers also entertainments entertainment options, restaurants, shopping centers, very premium brands, for instance, Lululemon, Crate and Barrel, among others.

So I like it because it’s a perfectly connected ecosystem providing customers with a simple and pleasant experience to earn and to use points. Because points equals money. The user also can scan receipts. They have a credit card. They have a wallet. They have different components to very easy understand and very I mean, usage of the program every day.

And also, I like very much Paula because the technology that is behind on the programs makes very possible to connect in a very easy and simple manner large group of partners, a very simple and pleasant experience for users. So I like it very much is a very good and complete ecosystem. And as you know, I’m a very fan of coalition models, because I truly believe that coalition models compared with a standalone programs offers the user a wide range of options to use the program everyday. So I’m a fan of ecosystem. So this is why I’m choosing Share Rewards. 

Paula: Wonderful. Well, anybody who hasn’t come across share, first of all, Alex, you’ve done a wonderful job of explaining both the breadth and the depth of what they’ve achieved here in the UAE. I think something that is quite unique in this market is the fact that there are so many conglomerates. And it’s actually a very difficult task to bring together such diverse types of businesses, as you said, whether it’s a quick service restaurant, a cinema chain, a Carrefour supermarket, and to bring them all under a loyalty brand.

And Share has done an extraordinary job of creating that cohesive coalition model so that people do understand, first of all, it’s worth to download it. And there really is the opportunity to have that kind of spend across all of their categories of everyday life. So, so I’m delighted that you’re admiring it from so far across the field. Alex, how did you even come across it? 

Alex: Because as you know, I’m studying loyalty. I believe that loyalty is a science, so I’m always very active studying and trying to investigate different alternatives and options, but only in Mexico, which I’m, currently I’m based in the country, but also in the region and to understand and to really learn from best practices, I have to look also in different markets.

And I believe that Europe and also UAE are very good and solid markets in terms of loyalty, customer engagement. So that’s why my interest to expand my knowledge, not only in the region. 

Paula: Amazing. Yeah. The one thing I think that’s probably the most defining factor for this country actually is its ambition. So you’re absolutely right, Alex. You know, if anybody is going to build a loyalty program in Dubai, they want it to be the absolute best in the world. So, so, you know, good shout out to the team and share. 

We have had Kashmira Motiwalla on a previous episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty, they’ve won lots of awards. And again, they tend to speak a lot at industry conferences. So we’re going to make sure in our show notes for this episode that we link to the Share program in case anybody hasn’t yet come across it, so. 

Alex: Makes sense.

Paula: Yeah. So let’s get into the big announcement, Alex. I think for me, as I alluded to earlier, this is, you know, for me, just groundbreaking stuff. I don’t hear other podcasters doing it. But as you mentioned, you’ve already been a guest on the show with us three years ago, and today we’re here to announce that you’re going to be a host on this show. And not just a guest host you know, as we’ve done so successfully with our friends around the world, but you’re actually going to be hosting your episodes in your native language, in your mother tongue, in Spanish.

So Alex, I mean, first of all, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for doing this for our audience in Latin America. And of course, any Spanish speaking countries. I really think it’s something that is going to transform the opportunity for loyalty professionals in that entire continent to be able to learn from your amazing expertise. So it’s a really big story. 

Why did you want to be a guest host with us? I think that’s probably the important first question. 

Alex: Excellent. Paula. Yeah. I’m very excited. As you mentioned first of all, Paula, let me tell you that I’m a very big fan of the show. I’m a very big fan since a lot last, I mean, of Let’s Talk Loyalty since a while, since the first time I heard the first episode, as I am also an advocate and a passionate about loyalty, I found in Let’s Talk Loyalty a very simple and deep manner to really know and learn different markets practices around loyalty, customer engagement, and you are doing a very excellent, an excellent job in this regard.

So first of all, I’m a very big fan of the show, but I found that in our region, We have some opportunities in terms of languages because not everyone speaks fluent English or understand English in a very clear manner. So I thought, why not to have Let’s Talk Loyalty in Spanish for, you know, the interested audiences that really wants to learn and to deep dive into the loyalty industry first of all.

Second is because the Latin American region is growing rapidly in terms of loyalty strategies, customer engagement also. So I thought that maybe to have let’s, to having Let’s Talk Loyalty in a spot in Spanish also to listen the top voices in the region and to have them sharing with us and the audience.  What is happening in different markets in terms of strategies and in terms of loyalty programs, so forth. So, that was the main reason, Paula, that I approached you and offered this option. That I really appreciate that you like it. And we are ready, I’m ready to start doing this. 

Paula: Yeah. We’re gonna do it, yeah. And I think I said to you when we had the first chat, Alex, about this idea that of course we have looked at AI options for every language, you know, because it does make sense that people do want to listen in their own native language, but it’s not something that we have seen that there is anything remotely capable of doing what we love to do on this show.

And that’s enjoy talking about loyalty in a very I suppose, accessible way. I think you use that word as well, Alex, like for me, you know, I always feel like, you know, a bit like imposter syndrome, like I would never really know enough. I always want to learn more and I feel like, you know, between us we can represent, you know, the questions people have and maybe they don’t even know they have them.

But the level of excitement and opportunity to again address Latin America as you said, in, in their native language, I know everybody is just, you know, so excited on our side as well. So it’s just going to be explosive. And I know we also talked about the fact that I saw a brilliant statistic. So by 2027, there’s actually going to be more podcast listeners in Latin America than anywhere else in the world. Were you surprised when we discovered that? 

Alex: Exactly. And that is a very I mean, highlight statistic data about the region and what is happening with the podcast industry in general terms, what is happening in Latin American region.

And besides that, very important statistics that you just shared with us. Let me share with the audience and with you, Paula, also an additional numbers. So you mentioned that by 2027, Latin America will be the largest market in terms of audiences listening, different podcasts, which is already a compelling and a I mean, and solid number.

But also let me tell you something very relevant also in 2023, Latin America, Latin American region already has 135 million podcasts listeners with Brazil, of course, leading because he’s a large market with 50 almost 52 million listeners. Projections suggest that by 2025, Latin America will surpass North America in total podcast listeners and will continue to lead globally in listener growth by 20, 2027. So in 2023, we estimate, or this article is estimating that 135 million listeners turn into podcasts from Latin American countries.

Paula: Yeah. 

Alex: Brazil emerged as the fourth runner with, I mentioned, 52, and then following by Mexico and other important markets such as Colombia, Argentina, and also Spain, which are native Spanish speakers. 

Paula: Incredible.

Alex: So, in the next couple of years, Latin American region will surpass North American region in terms of Listeners on podcast. So this is amazing opportunity for everyone in different topics in different issues, but loyalty being one of the most important topics and relevant nowadays. This is a great opportunity for let’s talk loyalty now in Spanish to listen the top voices in the region and what is happening here in our map.

Paula: Absolutely. As I said, I’m off the charts excited. So everybody’s going to hear that coming through. And again, it’s not something I think any, you know, podcast I’ve ever seen has really managed to have such a wonderful combination of skills in terms of your loyalty expertise, which we’ll talk about now, but also again, doing it in a language, which you know, globally, of course is one of the most spoken languages, whether it is in Latin America or of course, in Spain itself or anywhere else, the people do speak Spanish.

So why don’t you talk to us then, Alex, about your loyalty background. I know you’ve got 25 years. We’ve talked about the fact that you’re on the show in your role as CEO of Puntos Colombia. I know you’re originally from Mexico, but give us your background in terms of what have you been doing for the 25 years?

Alex: Absolutely. Sounds a lot of time and also very, I mean, passionate about this. So yeah, I have had the opportunity to be part of dedicated and highly professional teams. First of all, Paula, this is a teamwork, not only myself, but, and all of them are, were experts in loyalty. I have been fortunate to grow, evolve, revitalize, or create from scratch different loyalty strategies over the past 25 years in different countries, starting, of course, in Mexico, which is my country, birth country.

From the revitalization of membership back in 2000s, early 2000s, when membership awards was very positioned only in travel, I then proposed to extend the value proposition, not only in travel, but we included a product catalog containing different items and also the possibility for card members to redeem their points, combining with credit card payments in installments. So at that time, that was a crazy idea, but my boss believed in me. And we increased the number of card members at that time using the program because at that time the problem was only used by, you know, heavy spent card members. And because the main rewards were only in travel components. So this was a very, you know, tipping point difference at that time. 

So after that, after membership was, then I had the opportunity to move into the first coalition program in Mexican market, which was a Club Premier part of Idaho, Mexico, the major airline in the country. And at that time, I don’t Mexico did a partnership with Aimia, the Canadian company also very dedicated to loyalty programs at that time.

So the mission was to create the first coalition program in the market. So of course, including the airline, we extend the program into different categories. And we signed a very solid and important partnerships at that time. So the program who was a very oriented in travel, of course, when we did this change, we start seeing and growing the base, not only in travelers, but also in everyday use, a public in general, because we included retail and other shopping categories. Also, we included gas stations and everyday components into the value proposition. So it was a success at that time. Now, I Aeromexico decided to change or to modify again the value proposition and now the program it calls I don’t mean for rewards and he’s only mainly position again on track.

So then I had the opportunity, as you mentioned to lead to let Punto Colombia as CEO, which was a, let’s say a very differentiator, a strategy in the market, in the Colombian market because the coalition model started with a retail, the largest retail in the country, and also the largest bank in the Colombian market. So for me, it was the first time to see a coalition model being built with main partners in the retail and in the banking industry. 

And if you see Paula, those two main industries, the retail every day, you know, very accessible for everyone and also the banking with the cards, credit cards and debit cards it gives the strategy, the coalition study, the two main components. First of all, frequency, which everyone wants to have high frequency in the program. But also the spent coming from the cards because the spend coming from the cards gives the possibility to the users to use the points in different options as it was cash to pay the supermarket or to pay plane ticket or different options.

So the coalition model at that time also included a an e-commerce platform that was very convenient because at that time, 2020, it was a pandemic, the pandemic situation. So the program was a very successful in that time, mainly because of the retail, but also because of the e-commerce platform that was built at that time.

And after Puntos Colombia, Paula, I’ve been invited for FEMSA, which is a large Mexican conglomerate with different categories, including convenience stores, the largest convenience stores in the market and also in the region. The name is OXXO. They have more than 22,000 stores all over Mexico, Brazil, Colombia all fem also has gas stations, pharmacies, a health division, and also Coca-Cola bottler, which is the Mexican division is the largest Coca Cola bottler all over the world. So FEMSA is a large business, Mexican business conglomerate. So I was invited for them to evolve at that time, the OXXO premium, which was a single standalone loyalty program for the convenience stores. And I was invited to evolve that value proposition into ecosystem. So that was my mission. 

Alex: This is a reason now I’m in Monterey, Mexico again, and I’m very excited, yeah, to be part of these different studies among the time, as I mentioned, Paula, to you, I’m a fan of the ecosystem of coalition model because it gives different alternatives and everyday options for the users to be active.

And if I remember, one of your questions at that time, three years ago was, what is your favorite metric about loyalty? And at that time I mentioned the NPS and I truly believe NPS is still a very relevant metric for loyalty strategies, but also I’m very fond of, nowadays of the activity. So I’m a big fan of monthly active users or weekly active users or even daily active users metrics because it gives you the view if the users are really enjoying the program or the value proposition, and if they are using in a frequent manner. So yeah, these metrics for me are one of the most important to be and to keep in mind for everyone who wants to measure the success on their loyalty strategies. 

Paula: What a career, first and foremost, as you said, 25 years sounds like a long time, but you’ve packed an awful lot in. 

Alex: Yes.

Paula: It must be, I suppose, incredibly rewarding to use a cliched term, but it must be fabulous for you to be back in your home country, to be back in Mexico, as you said, to work for such an incredible conglomerate.

And from my own experience, you know, convenience can be, you know, I suppose, sometimes neglected, I think as a loyalty sector, maybe quite, you know, later to the market, perhaps then, you know, other things like, like airlines, for example, but if it’s done well and particularly done within a coalition context, as you said, you get the the frequency of engagement. You also get the depth of spend of course, then from, you know, all of the other businesses within the group. So I know you’ve been doing an extraordinary job there. 

Can you share any of the stats from FEMSA or is that confidential? I didn’t ask you that in advance now. So if I’m putting on the spot, you can tell me no, but is there anything that is a shareable in terms of the scale of what of what you’re currently doing in terms of membership numbers or anything?

Alex: Absolutely. These numbers can be public because they have been published in different articles and newspapers. So yeah, I mean, as you mentioned, convenience stores has the good news for the loyalty program, which is very frequent. So, and also besides because OXXO has in literally every corner and store. So it’s very easy for the public to get, to have access into one of the OXXO stores. 

But also the convenience stores have their challenges. And one of the challenges is they have frequency, which is good news, but the amount of spent sometimes, and generally speaking is low. So for the users, If they are only spending in the convenience store and not in the other alternatives inside the coalition, then to get a relevant amount of points to be used is tough.

No, the good news is that the Spin Premia, which is the name of the program. Is that points are equal to money. So again, very easy to understand, very transparent value for the users and literally they can use points starting one peso, which is a very low amount accessible for everyone to have points balance to be used to buy a Coke or to buy a lollipop or whatever candy or merchandise they want to use with points. So this is good news accessible, very easy, but of course, the amount of spent is a challenge. 

And also another big important challenge is that a convenience stores generally when the customer arrives into one of the stores, usually the customers have less or a few amount of time to spend inside the store. So they go, they choose a merchandise, they pay and they go out to the store. So sometimes to remember the program and to earn the points because of that purchase is difficult. I mean, sounds illogic, but it’s true. And because also the operation, all the people which is inside the operation is also a challenge because it’s a large group of people managing not only the loyalty program, but also the stores operation, logistics, point of sale. So, a lot of things to do in the operation. So, that is another challenge in the operational side. 

But, as you mentioned, if the program has a very clear and transparent value prop, a very simple user experience, then the people will love it. And this is what is happening with the Spin Premia. The program has now more than 40 million users enrolled, which is a large number.

Paula: Wow. 

Alex: The good news also, Paula, is that And you are also very familiar with this. Of course, loyalty strategies are very convenient for users and also for the brands that are running the strategy and the amount of information that is coming from these loyalty programs in terms of customer knowledge and customer data to be enabled, then to offer the users a relevant promotions, a personalized offers is amazing. So, Spin Premia, which has 40 million users, actively using the program, generating data. Then, FEMSA is using this information to offer the users a relevant and personalized promotions every day. So it’s a very nice and beautiful story behind that.

Paula: Yeah. 

Alex: So this is, it’s being Spin Premia right now. 

Paula: Amazing. It really is. And it reminds me, Alex, because again, I think everybody knows that I started in loyalty in the telecom sector, which is still probably one of the, you know, lesser known areas to, to really build anything in as a loyalty strategy. 

But I remember going to my first conference and there was a coalition program being presented on stage. It was one in Scandinavia I think it was in Finland, if I’m not mistaken, called the PINS program at the time. You’ve probably come across it in your research as well, but I was blown away. You know, I really just hadn’t thought about that importance of having the entire monthly household budget as a way to, to earn and of course burn, you know, and very difficult to build, very difficult, as you said, to get people to engage, particularly in that convenience environment that you said, because the last thing you want to do is add friction into somebody where, you know, they’re literally in, they want the convenience.

They don’t want to be spending time joining a program or downloading an app or whatever. So if you don’t do it really well, and I think in fairness, the technology has come on in leaps and bounds. So you’ve obviously been able to do an incredible customer journey for people to get those kinds of numbers. So congratulations. It sounds like it’s doing extremely well. 

Alex: Thank you, Paula. Thank you very much. 

Paula: Incredible. So listen, we’re going to talk a little bit about your guests, you know, just to go back to, I suppose, our main topic in terms of, you know, you being our Spanish speaking, a guest host for Let’s Talk Loyalty.

But just before we do that, you briefly mentioned a couple of kind of trends about loyalty in Latin America. So, aside from your own career, I think just because we have this global audience, would you mind just telling us what is going on in some of the bigger markets like Brazil? We’ve touched briefly on Columbia. So anything that you think is important for us to understand in terms of your region? 

Alex: Absolutely, Paula. Thank you. Yes, exactly. I’m very excited and happy to see how the market is evolving in terms of loyalty because and you also are very familiar with this because you are very, a person which is has been studying loyalty for a long time.

So in the past, loyalty was thought as a very tactic initiative, sometimes living inside the marketing department without budget, being part of the marketing budget. And of course, this has to be evolved if we really want to have loyalty taking space or having space in the agendas, especially in the C suite levels.

So the good news is that loyalty, not only in the region, I believe it’s all over the world, is gaining more strategic space and components within this, let’s say, senior leadership in the most relevant brands and companies all over the world. So in the Latin American region, not being the exception, loyalty and customer engagement have been gaining, as I told a strategic relevance, and I’m already part of the agendas on the C suite level, which is a very good news.

Of course, this is a challenge for us, which are very dedicated to this because we need to elevate the strategic elements on the loyalty, on our loyalty conversations and separate loyalty from the tactic and include loyalty on the strategic side. And of course, excluding USA because of the size of the markets, relevance and diversity that the market has all over the country, just talking about the main markets in Latin Americans, for instance, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, a loyalty and customer engagement are gaining traction. And in many cases, they are part of the growth, innovation and differentiation that brands are adopting. 

Similarly, among the world’s most relevant consulting firms, which is also very good news that, you know, they’re very no big for consultancy firms. Sometimes they are including and incorporating loyalty as part of their strategic recommendations of growing, differentiation and also innovation. Why is loyalty becoming so much more relevant than before? And this is not only me. I believe it’s also in all the industry. Loyalty is not, it’s not just only about loyalty programs. Digitalization has made it possible for loyalty and customer engagement to accelerate and expand their strategic reach.

Loyalty is about deeply understanding who your customer is, what they like about the brand, how they prefer to be addressed, which products or services they prefer to use. And it allows to the brand, for the brand to communicate with the users in a personal and enclosed manner, not to Just as another name on the list, so differentiation, personalization, games also together with loyalty.

On the other hand, thinking about B to B, which also is the other important element and component on their loyalty strategies, they now the between, I mean, large, medium, small businesses have realized that they need a strategy beyond prices, discounts and promotions. Everyone offers those. However, not all brands can offer a good recognition strategy, gratitude and personalization, and we’re not just talking about points. Building user loyalty towards brands involves offering a pleasant experience.

In other words, UX, superior customer service, CX, or a good program or personalized benefits, as I mentioned. So everything can fit inside a loyalty and a compelling loyalty strategy. So the region is understanding this POLA is not any more tactic, it’s a strategic and for major brands and more relevant companies in the region, really loyalty are gaining increasingly relevance in their strategic agendas, which is good news for all the industry in general.

Paula: Yeah. Yeah. And I was actually briefly at a conference there, Alex in Rio last year only for a fleeting visit, but the one kind of comment that came from the stage, which actually kind of blew my mind. And I’d love your thoughts on this, but it was just this idea that, you know, the points currency in a market like Brazil is sometimes more stable than the actual currency of the country, you know, when you look at, because it’s, I believe, pegged to the US dollar.

So the value of the currency is just something that, you know, certainly in Brazil, consumers absolutely love. And I was just kind of going, that’s extraordinary. That it has that level of respect and understanding from, again, what I hear to be a very savvy part of the world, you know, where there’s, you know, great technology, I know WhatsApp is a part of all the communication channels or whatever. But do you think that’s a fair reflection in terms of how people are feeling about their loyalty currencies? 

Alex: Yes, absolutely. This is one of the components that when you have a, I mean, a very clear and transparent value proposition. And also you have been as a brand dedicated to build trust with users, then your currency are, can be considered as a very trustable currency to be used. And especially if this currency has liquidity is almost as a cash payment, of course, it can be an alternative for users to save money, to have some savings there to be used for, you know, a pleasant shopping experience. And not use the cash. So yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Paula, I’m with you on that.

Paula: Brilliant. Yeah. So, so it sounds like if I’m hearing you right, then Alex is coming from both sides. So the maturity of loyalty in Latin America is coming first and foremost from, I suppose, consumer expectations, as you said, understanding, appreciating, and dare I say it, demanding better programs. And at the same time, the brands themselves realizing actually it is an incredibly valuable lever dare I say it again, just to love your customers, you know, and prove it, show it, demonstrate it and have that kind of virtuous circle.

So it’s like the market forces are coming from both sides and then, you know, given our conversation earlier about the love of content, you know, and for us to be able to share these kinds of conversations again in Spanish, like it’s just going to be incredible. 

So I guess the next logical question then is, who are you planning to bring on? I think you’ve announced the first, at least to me, you’ve announced who your first guest is going to be, which probably won’t be a surprise to anyone listening. We’re releasing this episode, obviously early May, and you’re going to be hosting your own, or we’re going to release that towards the end of June. So what can we expect to hear from in the first Spanish edition of Let’s Talk Loyalty? 

Alex: Absolutely, Paula. I’m very excited to have these opportunities. And to have these conversations with top leaders in the region. So I thought that would be great to have as a first guest in the Spanish version to the senior leadership of Puntos Colombia, which is the coalition model that you are very familiar, but also because the program and the strategy is not only anymorejust the program is a ecosystem, a strategy, including different components on B2B. So I believe that listening the voice of the senior leadership of Puntos Colombia, that’ll be great to start in the Spanish version for all the public and audiences interested to hear that. So yeah. 

Paula: It’s incredible. 

Alex: I’ll work on that.

Paula: Absolutely incredible. Yeah. On our side, I think I have two challenges, which we’ve talked about. First of all, I want to make sure that I do the introduction to your episodes the same way I do for all of our guest hosts, but I do have to learn hopefully with your help, a little, a couple of sentences in Spanish and practice my pronunciation so that I don’t, I don’t confuse anybody when I come on and do the introduction.

So that’s my commitment that we’ll have that recorded for you. And then of course, just on the practical side, of course, we have to make sure we get somebody who could do proper editing in Spanish as well. So we’re also working behind the scenes very hard to make sure that your show, of course, is world class content with your kind of global perspective, your thought leadership, and as you said just an extraordinary lineup of guests to our building loyalty programs in Latin America that we just haven’t had the visibility on before. So it’s just going to be just extraordinary. 

So listen, I don’t think I have any more questions today, Alex, as I said, I was here to really welcome you on the show to acknowledge the joy that I have in terms of being able to bring this to Spanish speaking loyalty professionals. So do you have any other questions or comments or feedback or anything else you want to say before we wrap up? 

Alex: No. Paula, thank you very much. It’s a pleasure to be here with you. 

Paula: It’s absolutely a pleasure, Alex, and well said. And of course, we’ll be doing massive promotion across LinkedIn and all of our channels just to make sure, again, that everybody’s aware that this incredible content is going to be available. So again, a world leading partnership. So totally thrilled. And with that, I just want to say, Alex Saul, thank you so much from Let’s Talk Loyalty. 

Alex: Thank you, Paula. 

Paula: Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty. If you’d like us to send you the latest shows each week, simply sign up for the Let’s Talk Loyalty newsletter on letstalkloyalty.com and we’ll send our best episodes straight to your inbox. And don’t forget that you can follow Let’s Talk Loyalty on any of your favorite podcast platforms. And of course, we’d love for you to share your feedback and reviews. Thanks again for supporting the show.