Welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty, an industry podcast for loyalty marketing professionals. I’m your host, Paula Thomas. And if you work in loyalty marketing, join me every week to learn the latest ideas from loyalty specialists around the world.
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Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of Let’s Talk Loyalty featuring a world-famous brand and a loyal listener of this show. Fernando Jimenez caught my attention as he’s recently taken on a fascinating new role, designing a loyalty program for Tupperware products. He also has an impressive background in airline loyalty with Club Premiere, which is the leading coalition program in Mexico and the operator of the frequent flyer program of Aeroméxico. Mexico’s flagship airline. Having now taken on this super interesting project for Tupperware. I was delighted with the opportunity to meet Fernando and share all his wonderful insights with you. He’s also my first guest from Mexico, so I hope you enjoy listening to Fernando Jimenez.
So Fernando, welcome to Let’s Talk Loyalty.
Oh, Paula. Thank you very much for the invite. I’m very happy to, to be with you and, and, and to share what we’ve learned.
Absolutely. And I know you’re a listener of the show, Fernando, which always, uh, is very heartwarming for me. And you’re also my first guest actually coming, uh, speaking from Mexico so thank you for being with us.
Thank you very much. And again, very happy and happier to be the first one from Mexico.
There you are. I said to you, it’s an extraordinary country and I’ve never been so definitely adding it now on my, on my travel wish list.
Please do so please do so you’re you are gonna like it.
Oh, great. So listen, Fernando, um, you have an extraordinary career in loyalty. We are going to get into, um, a fabulous decade that you spent. First of all, on the airline loyalty side. And then most excitingly your recent role, but before we get into all of the work that you actually do, um, please do tell me, what is your favorite loyalty program, or if you want to have two, I think you have two, please tell us your favorite loyalty programs.
Yeah, I, I do have two and, and I think I have two perspectives. So if we talk about a customer perspective, mm-hmm, I think Microsoft Rewards it’s a great program. Uh, and obviously they’re very good at gamification, right? Yeah. So, I think it’s very attractive. Uh, the, the, the arts that they, that they work with, um, the, the visual communication, and what I’d like the most is how they handle that incentive. How, how do they, uh, manage your motivation to start growing within the program? Right? so basically gamification gives you, uh, those opportunities and those tools to do so. So I think, uh, Microsoft awards is great in, in terms of the final consumer. If we talk about, um, a coalition program, uh, and just, uh, like a reference. Club Premier, uh, from Aeroméxico, they, they are a coalition program. So when you’re within the program, so then you have another kind of customer, which is, uh, or client, which is your business partner. Yeah. So if you are a program, have, uh, airlines and have banks and have retailers as your partners slash customers. So at the time. Uh, I mean, what’s the important thing for them. Mm. Uh it’s for the program to help them grow, get extra customers, uh, activation and everything. And I, and I think Smiles which is like the frequent, sorry, the frequent flyer program for goal in Brazil. I think they are very good at doing that.
Wow. Thank you for that, Fernando. Um, and I wasn’t familiar with Smile, so I was delighted that you mentioned it to me, uh, before we came on air today and even the airline, actually, I wasn’t even sure. So if anyone like me is super interested in learning more about coalition, because I do believe it’s a, it’s a fascinating model. They have some fantastic statistics. So 17.6 million members of the Smiles Program in Brazil. Um, and they were talking about recruitment rates of 67,000 new members every month. So definitely a market leader in, um, the Brazilian loyalty market and the airline. I, I also had to look it up as well. Fernando GOL goals. So that wasn’t one I was familiar with, but sounds like absolutely. The market leader. Yeah.
Yeah, they are. And, and, um, when I used to work for, for the FFP yeah. Um, they were kind of my benchmark, so they become, um, like a, a reference, they come up with different things and we, we try to. To do something similar and adjust to our market. And some of them really, really work, uh, very well.
Yes. I think you said to me, they were very agile. So I think you liked that, um, you know, ability to, to innovate.
Yeah. Yeah. And, and a lot of, uh, technology as well. They define themselves as a technology company. Interesting. Yeah. Obviously focused on terms, uh, of marketing. Yeah. Um, but they had, if, if I remember correctly, um, more than 50% of their headcount is, uh, in a technology area. Wow. So that gives them that agility. Yes. Uh, for them to design, uh, Program and launch and the offers very fast.
Okay. I like that. Yeah, because, uh, in my experience, most coalition programs would tend to position themselves as data companies. Um, and I’ll be interested to hear what, what, uh, Club Premier, in terms of your experience with them. But, uh, you know, in terms of, um, opportunity, a technology company, of course, it makes perfect sense as well for coalition. So thank you for bringing Smiles to my attention, Fernando. Definitely put that on my wishlist of, um, programs to interview. And also just for anyone who hasn’t heard, we did have Microsoft Rewards on the program as well. So I’ll make sure in our show notes that we link back to Microsoft Rewards. So if people do want to hear more about their gamification, because I was amazed, actually, I didn’t know at all, Fernando, because I’m not a gamer. And I also don’t use their search engine. I’m just a, a Google user. So the fact that they have an entire loyalty program within Microsoft, I thought was incredible. So, uh, yes, you’re the first user of that program that I’ve met.
Okay. Happy to be as well. And, uh, and, and also I think they are very good integrated, uh, across platforms, obviously. Yeah. So I, I, I use Xbox. Okay. So there’s where I enroll I believed, and then I have my account online and then from time to time, I get no notifications, uh, on the browser. Okay. So, Hey, if you, if you do such and such, so then you will get points and everything. So, uh, wow. I, I just love them.
Super, super. So tell us then Fernando, you have been in loyalty, um, for a long time. Um, certainly as I said over a decade, so tell us, how did you get into the industry and, uh, and your career so far?
Well, that’s, um, A bit of coincidence. I was working for HSBC, for the bank in Mexico. So I spent with them say 6, 5, 6 years or so. Okay. And I went across different areas and I think that the time where I, I become more familiar with loyalty was when I was working on the credit card area. So, you know, you have these bank bank programs where. When you use your, your credit card, you get points, and then you can redeem and stuff. Um, I, I got familiar with, with the terms and with everything, but then I move on to a different area, but then I finished my career in HSBC and I joined Club Premier. So I didn’t know anything in, in that, uh, not, not very profound about loyalty. But the way that I, that I joined the program is because they were looking for someone to manage bank relationships. Ah, so basically, uh, they had just launched a co branded card with, uh, with Banamex, which is the, the, uh, subsidy area of, uh, city bank in Mexico. Okay. They had just launched that. And they had a number of programs, um, for points, conversion. So they had toward three large banks, four points conversion. So I started working with that within the program. I started to get familiar with accruing redemption, earn burn rates, and, uh, I started my career in loyalty. First as bank, uh, relationship manager, then I got the, um, the Air Rewards part. So basically the relationships with all the airlines mm-hmm, burning and burning, and also with the sky team, uh, later on, I also got. The travel part, hotels, car rentals, cruises. Um, and then I got Club Premier corporate as well. Wow. So the relationship with, with companies. So I spent with them 10 years. Yeah. Talking about points.
Yes, my goodness, and Club Premier. Again, I have to put that one on the wishlist as well. Fernando, I think I said to you before we started, uh, this recording that I wish I’d met you actually one year ago, I could have had maybe some insights from there as well, but, um, but today we’re here to talk about course your wonderful new role, which I’m super excited about because I think it’s highly innovative and you have, uh, joined a brand, which I think. Perhaps one of the most famous in the world. I don’t know if that’s true, but certainly feels it, but tell us now you have joined Tupperware as head of loyalty, uh, preferred customer and loyalty director, actually as your correct title. So what convinced you that this was, um, the kind of career move that you wanted to make for yourself?
That’s a very interesting question. And, and I, I have had that question a number of times since I joined Tupperware um, yeah, so different and yeah. And, and, and the, the first part of your question, you were talking about the, the size of the, of the brand. Yeah. And I totally agree with you. It’s one of the largest brands in the world. Yeah. Uh, so at the time I moved to Tupperware, um, People started asking, Hey, uh, you were working in, in the airline industry. You were very happy there. And actually I was very happy. Uh, but you know what, on, on the personal side, um, two things, uh, helped me make this, the decision. So the first one is the, the size of the brand, a great, great brand, um, around the world. Yeah. And the other one, it’s a, um, The, the, the thing to build something new. And, uh, it’s, it’s the, the idea of, uh, having something that does not exist mm. And doing all the work to put it on the, on the market and help the business grow. Right. So I, I would say that’s the main reason I, I move here. So we started building stuff and, uh, they didn’t have a lot of things towards the final customer. So the idea and the strategy is to start working on that and, and have a lot of tools to start knowing our customers, to retain them, uh, to help our business, to bring more people to, to, to the company.
Yeah, well, I, I would share your excitement, Fernando, the idea of having a blank sheet of paper to create an entire value proposition for a global brand like Tupperware. I mean, yes. I can see why that was super hard to resist. And yeah, when I was looking there, for example, at the history of the, of the company, um, so the founder’s name, Earl Tupper, um, And what was amazing to me, actually, Fernando, I don’t know for you, but, uh, they were talking on the Tupperware website that in the beginning, actually, nobody even understood of course, uh, why this, you know, amazing technology of, I suppose, unbreakable plastic that was airtight would be so valuable for, you know, people, I, us at home, um, in terms of preserving our food and everything. So, so that was a super interesting, uh, piece of your history. And dates back to 1946 as well. I read, which is just wonderful.
It is. And, and, um, that’s in the us and in Mexico, we are around 50 years old here. Okay. Um, and also. Something very, very interesting. At least for me, it’s, uh, talking about the direct selling industry. So I’m, I’m gonna talk about myself. I didn’t know how it worked actually. So the it, if we talk about direct selling, it’s a company that has a very interesting product. Like in, in this, um, in, in this case is a plastic container. Yeah. But it’s a very good product. So then the question is how do you put it out there in the market? Sure. So what the company did is, uh, to offer. People not being, uh, contracted by the company. I mean, you didn’t have a contract with, with the company, uh, and they say, Hey, I have this product. Do you have interest to make extra money, uh, or an income, uh, reselling this product? Yeah. So if we agree, this will be the least price or the end price for the customer. And then you can get a merging out of that. Wow. So in, in a nutshell, that’s how the industry works. Um, so having said that. Direct selling companies are very much focused on your Salesforce, on the Salesforce. Yeah, so they do a lot of stuff. Um, a about that Salesforce and have little, little view. About the final customer, because the final customer, the user of that product is a customer of your sales force. Yeah. So you have like a middle layer there. Yeah. So then you don’t have direct contact with your end consumer. Yeah. So there’s misinformation about that.
That’s a, a very important point, Fernando, and thank you for explaining that because I think we’re all familiar with the idea of, um, retailers as resellers and, you know, any manufacturing brand, of course, I suppose, is starting to realize that they want to have those direct consumer relationships, whether that’s through e-commerce or, or lots of different ways, but essentially you have an entirely separate audience, which is this sales force of in my mind, I would’ve probably used a word like agent. So I guess all the, all the, um, the resellers is obviously what you are referring to them as, or consultants. Consultants. Exactly. And my understanding Fernando was then, uh, for people who work like that, there’s a huge amount of flexibility, I guess, that you can decide that I want to maybe have a, let’s say a Tupperware party, uh, you know, every six months in my home, for example, or something like that, or maybe I could say no, actually I would like to earn more so I can, I can create it as a full-time business and, you know, Find find lots more opportunities and maybe communities to sell to. Is that the way it works?
Totally. Uh, you, you just nailed it and, but, but also let us, let us, uh, reinforce. Markets work differently. I mean, the way Tupperware works in the US. Okay. Uh, is different how we work in Mexico and that’s because of the market maturity. Yeah. Um, the, the custom, the customer maturity as well, and the competition that you have in the market. So in some markets let’s say in US, probably you’re gonna see some of, some of our products in retail stores, not as much in Mexico. In Mexico, we are at 95% focus on the direct selling business. Oh, wow. So, but then going back on, on your question, you’re totally right. Yeah. You’re gonna have. Very different profiles within your, uh, consultant space. Yeah. You have some of them that are fully committed to what they’re doing and they have an economic margin and they work, uh, the whole day doing that. But then you have some others that need need more flexibility. Yeah. And they, they use 2, 3, 4 hours of the. Uh, and then they do something else, for example, uh, moms that want that flexibility. Yeah. So they, they assign just a few hours and then they do the, the homework. Yeah. Kind of that. Yeah. And then you have. Other group, which we call preferred customers, which are a group that are very, um, keen to acquire our products. They were interested in getting a, a very good discount on those products. Okay. But they do not resell them. They use them for personal use or probably for their close, uh, uh, friends and relatives. Okay. Um, and they have a different profile. So, wow. We have these, uh, two main groups within the sales force, preferred customers. Yeah. And, and the other ones, we call them business builders. They, they are actually interested in building a business with a without income. And the third group is the final consumer. Yes. So it’s these, these people that buy from our consultants, uh, or, I mean, either from our consultants or from our online.
Of course, of course. And I love that and I I’d love you to talk now, of course, about Tupperware rewards, specifically, Fernando, um, is probably the next place I’d love to understand, because I guess the reason that’s most relevant now is I’m guessing you didn’t know about those. You know, I would call them super fans or preferred customers as you are, uh, calling them. You probably didn’t know they existed before you launched the loyalty program. Did you?
We didn’t know who they were. Okay. We didn’t know their names, uh, where they live, what they buy from us. Uh, so what we did is we started on the online, uh, environment. Yeah. Since we already had an online store. Yeah. Uh, it made sense. It, it would be easier to start there yeah than building something like in order, uh, to get that information from our end consumers through the Salesforce. Right. so, um, We looked to the online store and we started gathering information so we came up with a program, uh, that I would say this is our first version of it. Okay. Of course. Yeah. So we had, we already got our, our store. Um, they had another partner where they could connect all the information through the store and start running a, a later program. So then now we have a. No membership, um, program, where you can enroll for free and you can get points and, and some benefits, but then if you acquire our membership, uh, actually the name is the Preferred Customer Membership. Okay. Which is 99 Pesos a year. It’s not expensive. Yes. And you get extra points. Then you get extra discounts, you get extra benefits, and then you can start growing on different tiers. You enroll and you get a bronze tier. Yeah. Um, but then depending on your spend, you can get up to silver and gold and obviously getting extra benefits.
That is super fascinating. I didn’t know you had a subscription or membership model. I, I thought it was all just a, you know, traditional free to join, like you said, the, the, the free program, but I would love to know the, um, the insight as to why it’s, you know, it’s such a, an affordable price point. And at the same time, it’s, you know, it’s, it’s there in place that there is a transactioning that they are paying to join something, but for 99 pesos, it’s amazing.
Yeah. And, and obviously, uh, being a fairly new program, uh, and I would say this is. This is a program I have not seen in Mexico. Yeah. Talking about direct selling. I mean, you have, as a direct selling company, you have some other companies that compete within your same, like product range. If we talk about plastic containers, There’s another company that is working in the same part. Uh, but there’s also, there are also other companies that are direct selling companies that they sell different stuff. Of course, they sell shoes they sell beauty, uh, products and everything. They are not your direct competition in terms of product. But they compete with you as a, a, as a company that gives the market opportunity to, to make extra money. Ah, yes. As a channel people do exactly what people do is they can have the Tupperware catalog, the, uh, shoe catalog, or the beauty catalog. Okay. And when they visit their customers, they say, Hey, uh, I. Uh, plastic containers. I have shoes and I have, what do you want? Yeah. So also what we need to do is to be present in the market. Yeah. Be present in the mind of the final consumer and be present in the mind of the consultant. So, uh, to help them prefer our products. Yes. Uh, delivering more benefits to them. Um, and so then going back to your, to your question about the preferred customers and having a membership for that. Yeah. So we already know that we have a big group of people interested on our products. We know the markets, uh, regularly look for discounts. Particularly in our industry. Yeah. Since they know that if you enroll as a sales force, You get an extra, uh, discount. Right? Okay. But then if, if I don’t want to be a business builder and I just want to get that very interesting discount, I can do that. So what we’re trying to do, or what we’re building is having a, uh, an option for the end consumer that is not looking for discount so we have an option for them. But then if you are a preferred customer. So somebody that will be more repetitive on purchasing that we will have, um, bigger average tickets and such then we have this other option, uh, and that’s the main idea of having a specific preferred customer membership. Okay. For this group of customers.
Super interesting. So Tupperware Rewards, uh, I think you said to me a soft launch in October, 2021. Yes. Uh, with full launch then, and you took some time, which I really like so full launch just literally like two months ago. So launching in April 2022 so how was Tupperware Rewards going for you, Fernando?
It’s it’s doing very good, actually. Um, as, as you said, with soft launch in, in October, and then decided to go say public in, in April. And we did that with a, with a group of 10 micro-influencers that regularly work with our brand. Um, so, you know, they’re present in Instagram, in Twitter and stuff, and the, the other is. Nowadays the program is available only on the online market so that’s why we just selected these influencers. Nice. And then we’re working to build yeah. Uh, all the infrastructure we need to serve the customers that buy from our sales force and in the physical environment. Yeah. Um, so then how it’s going. Yeah. Uh, I can share some numbers with you. Out of what we’re selling online, um, nowadays nearly 35%, uh, of the purchases are made out of, uh, Tupperware Reward Members. Okay. And also the average ticket is around 20, 23% higher than a non-member. So, uh, there, uh, we, we reached the numbers we were looking for, obviously, this is the growing program. Of course, at the time we reach maturity, we’re trying to reach 50%. Yeah. Uh, penetration rate of that uh, and, and we are very confident and that we’re gonna reach those numbers. But, but for the time being. We have demonstrated that the program that, that the program really, really works. Yeah. And it’s helping on, uh, purchase repetition and growing the average spend.
Okay. Wonderful. Yeah. Super exciting. And I don’t think I’ve actually, again, had a program that’s been fully launched using, uh, influencers of any sort, Fernando. So that was a big decision to, to bring those micro-influencers and rely on them essentially, to, to build this for you.
Yeah, we believe that, uh, since we are working in this digital environment, it, it made sense. Yeah. At the time we launched the program big time. Mm. Uh, for those consumers that are, uh, buying from our consultants, we will have to have a different strategy because they are very used to transaction in the physical world. Yeah. And probably they’re not very aware what we’re doing online. Yeah. Uh, so we will have to have a different approach.
Yes. I’m sure. I’m sure. And the other thing that I was thinking about as well, Fernando, I was thinking back to my very early career, working with British Airways, again, another wonderful global brand. And you know, we’d always had our frequent flyer program, of course, called the Executive Club but we then launched a dedicated loyalty program for the travel agency community. Um, so, so I’m interested in any of the dynamics, for example, because, you know, sometimes I think for example, um, you are consultants that you’re, you are obviously so reliant on and, you know, really obviously value them. Have you had much reaction from them either positive or maybe concern? I think sometimes they might be concerned. You might, you know, try and drive all the business to e-commerce in the future. So have you had anything like that to manage?
That’s a very good question. And, and I think it’s a very. Authentic, um, concern from the sales force. Sure. Obviously it it’s in the market and they are aware of what we’re doing yeah. On the online part. And, and the concern is just as you described, right? Uh, the, the, that fear of, uh, Hey, I have these customers here. I don’t want them to go to the online store. Um, So particularly for Mexico, the online, uh, part is very small. So there’s no risk or lose of losing a big number of customers that are migrating into a different channel. Um, and also the customers that our consultants serve, uh, are not that very digital. Okay. So they are like a very traditional market. Uh, but also, uh, a reality is that Tupperware is trying to be more present in different channels. Uh, at the beginning of our conversation, we were talking about the size of our brand. It’s a very large brand. Yeah. Um, but particularly in Mexico, we are very much focused on the direct selling channel, which is very good because that’s the most, the most important, but we, we need to be present in some different channels. Yeah. Um, but the, the reality is that, uh, since our online market is very small. Okay. Uh, we see no risk of our customers moving to a different channel.
Okay. Yeah, that does make sense. Yes. And I guess, you know, once you think it through, there might be an initial concern, but then actually you’re absolutely right. They know their customers so well that they’re not going to change channels dramatically in a market like yours. It sounds.
Yeah. And you know what, uh, there’s a particular thing about our, our products. Some of them have to be demonstrated. Um, yeah, but, but you know, you know what, if, if sometimes if you receive a product, uh, let’s say a food container, uh, that it’s, uh, the seal that we produce is very tight. Yeah. And it has, is its importance about. Uh, how much oxygen is going inside the, uh, container or outside under some specifications that I’m not expert on. Yeah, sure. But some of this project, some of these products have to be demonstrated. So through the direct selling channel, That’s that’s what our consultants do. And also that’s why they’re co consultants. Yeah. Because they, they have all the information from, from the product. Yeah. And they can, uh, show you how it works or teach you how to use that because there are some more complex products. Um, So that’s another advantage of purchasing through the physical channel because yeah. Then you will have all this information firsthand.
Totally. Yes. And actually I was looking at your online brochure and, uh, you know, use the QR code just to, you know, test it, see how it worked. It was super interesting. Took me to a video was showing a demonstration about a particular container that actually had, you know, an option to change the amount of oxygen where you could open it or close it depending on what food was inside. So again, I would not have any clue about Tupperware and certainly not expert, not exactly a domestic Goddess. I have to confess Fernando , but it was, it was very well done. So, uh, but I can understand again, you know, unless I was already online, which clearly I am most of the time. That’s the kind of thing you would need somebody to tell you firsthand. And if you wanna do that at scale, obviously your consultants are doing an amazing job for that for you.
Yeah, of course. But, but then also let’s mention that we are working on having Tupperware Rewards on the traditional channel as well. You know, technology connections and everything that we have to be. We are already working on that.
Wow. Wow. And is Tupperware Rewards in other markets as well as Mexico, Fernando? Or are you the launch market?
Some other markets are doing some things, not the same way that we’re doing it in Mexico. Okay. And they already have something in Australia. They have something in, uh, Singapore, I believe under some other markets that are working on that. But, um, again, since we have particularities in each market. Yeah. Uh, each market is, uh, working in a very particular way. Um, I mean, uh, not being the exact same program for everyone.
Okay. But good to hear that there’s an appetite. You know, in, in, in lots of markets, because I’m guessing the Tupperware, like many global companies would share, I guess, a lot of information and ideas and strategies for success. So super interesting. Actually, I think it is the ideal way in fact, to have, you know, the benefit of the blank sheet of paper that you have, but yet access to expertise in other markets that you can also learn from, I guess, along the journey.
Yeah, I, I do agree with you and, and the idea of start building programs and taking care of our preferred customers and the final customers is basically, um, and I think it’s the same thing across every industry, how do I get new customers? How do I activate them? And how do I retain them? Yeah. Uh, at the time I joined Tupperware somebody, um, through the interview, they said, Hey, uh, what’s your interest of moving from the airline industry? Yeah. To a, to a direct selling industry, and I respond the exact same thing.
Yeah. I mean, we are. Looking forward to have more customers and to serve them better. And we have to do that at any, uh, industry. Yeah. So, uh, it’s different in industry, but it’s the same, the same. And, uh, yeah idea right?
The principles always remain. Absolutely. So driving profitable behavior change, as we often say, but tell me, do you miss the airline industry? Fernando? I did. When I left.
I do. Yes. Yes. I, I do. I, I love traveling. Um, and, and I just, you know, I, before working for the airline industry, I, I knew I liked to travel. Yeah. But, but then, uh, attending different meetings and sometimes it’s very, very, um, I mean very tiring because you gotta go to a meeting in Paris and you have to fly Sunday, get there on Monday, meeting on Tuesday and flying back on Wednesday. Yeah. Um, but I just love that.
Me I did exactly the same. Fernando. I used to take the British Airway flight from Dubai to London practically every week I would have my meetings in Heathrow do the same turnaround as the aircraft and fly back again. So, yes, I wouldn’t do it now. I can tell you I’m too exhausted after I travel. But, um, but also actually, you know, we’ve already talked about, you know, what a wonderful brand and opportunity. And the other piece I saw on LinkedIn was this super cool thing about Tupperware being, uh, launched in space, essentially on the International Space Station being used to test. I think the characteristics of plastic, I didn’t really understand it, but again, incredible that a brand like Tupperware is being used as a quality, um, test almost in such dramatically innovative environments. I thought that was wonderful.
Yeah. And we are very happy about that. I mean, uh, it it’s a very interesting project, not just for testing plastic, but also to help, uh, the scientists up there to start growing, um, some plants. And they’re doing that within our product. And you know, what part of the idea is, uh, to, to make this statement that, uh, Tupperware is not just, uh, products for storing, uh, food in the fridge. So we, we have that line and we have, uh, the product line for, uh, free for the freezer or the containers for, for studying food on um, I lost the word for these cabinets in the kitchen. Uh, okay. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Just like dry foods essentially. Yeah. Dry food or for the closet. I mean, we have a lot of products and not just containers for food.
Okay. Okay. Well, I mean, we all know that there’s plenty of people wanting to tell us we’re gonna be living on Mars, for example, in the future. So I know, you know, feels like Tupperware will be the first brand there to, uh, to help us figure all that out.
We will be happy to do so. Yes, and also, you know what, there are some other initiatives very interesting because, uh, as a product company, I mean, our products, uh, based on plastic. Yes. Uh, there’s this concern about contamination and pollution and everything. Yes. Uh, so we have very good options for eliminating, uh, plastics of just one use. And for example, we had some initiatives in. There’s one in Canada, uh, with Tim Hortons and another with, uh, Burger King in the US. Yeah. Where you can reuse the containers. So, uh, you’re not getting, uh, uh, one use, uh, container. Yeah. Uh, so, you know, you throw those away and it’s already pollution. Yeah. So we have these. I don’t know if the word in English is correct. Uh, returnable products. Yes. Yeah. I mean, you can use this container and, and then you give it back to the store and they sanitize them and everything and they can use it again. Uh, so we are working on different things, uh, also to, to help the planet.
Oh, I love that. Yes. Yes, actually. And that’s a very important point, Fernando, I’m glad you mentioned that because you know, sometimes the very idea of, you know, plastic, it’s easy to, you know, uh, really dismiss it and say that it’s not a good thing, but I’ve seen some very important and interesting debates about, you know, how much more waste there would be in the world of food. Unfortunately, if we didn’t have the, the use of plastic, but you’re absolutely right. It’s about making sure it’s multiple use, so it’s not just disposable. So that’s a great role that Tupperware can play. Thank you for mentioning that. So I think that’s all of my questions, Fernando, from my side. Was there anything else that you thought we should, uh, mention before we wrap up?
Um, no, I, I think we covered everything. Uh, the, the, the kind of customers we’re serving the program. Um, the good stuff about the, the brand. I think we’re, we’re done.
Oh, wonderful. Well, listen, as I said, I’m always. Super inspired to hear something that’s literally so new, so innovative and so inspiring. And again, coming from, from yourself with such an incredible, um, expertise in the whole, uh, loyalty industry. So thank you for joining us today. I will say Fernando Jimenez, Preferred Customer Loyalty Director with Tupperware in Mexico. Thank you so much from Let’s Talk Loyalty.
Thank you very much, Paula. Thank you for being invited and for the time.
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